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Edited by Azure: 12/22/2017 5:00:53 AM

This is literally underage gambling we're talking about here

Silver, an in-game currency you MUST buy with real money, is the only viable method of gaining the good loot in this Dawning. Even when purchasing Silver, you only get A CHANCE at getting the items you want, meaning it's entirely possible that your money could be completely wasted, meaning you either walk away with nothing, or double down and spend more money to try again. [url=]"It's just cosmetic"[/url] its probably the shittest counterargument you could possibly have for this, and the video I linked there explains precisely why. [url=]This video[/url] goes over just how much it could cost, should you try to buy all of the Dawning loot with just bright dust. The main problem with all of this is one thing: Real money is involved. Some might argue that real money is needed by the developers to fund new updates and expansions. Well you know what? I don't give a crap if they need the money. THEY SHOULDN'T RAISE IT LIKE THIS!!! I'd honeslty prefer it if they removed microtransactions entirely from Destiny, and had an optional monthly subscription instead (increased XP and Glimmer gains, plus some free silver each month in return for supporting the game), and made Silver itself earnable in-game so that players without the extra money can still earn the armor that they want. The way it is now, we're being actively encouraged to pay REAL money for A CHANCE at what we want. Screw that system, I don't give two shits how "normal" it's become in recent games, I'm sick of seeing it and I don't want it tainting the games that I WANT to like. It's gambling, plain and simple, and the fact that this game is available to underage players makes it so much worse. It's become such a problem that [url=]legislators are actually threatening to get involved if nothing changes[/url]. Don't want it to have to come to that, but if it needs to happen, then it needs to happen.

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