Sign the petition today! If we want Bungie to hear us we need to do more than just burn the forums, we must light a fire the world can see!!! Eververse is just a cheap system that empowers a culture of gambling and laziness among its player base. This needs to change. If enough add their voice to the chorus, Bungie will hear!
[b]***Please follow the link to sign the petition and like this thread as well!***
***Comment [u]#endeververse[/u] below***[/b]
Edit: Your support is the flame that will bring real change. Even if the UN does not officially acknowledge this [url=][u]issue[/u][/url] bungie will know that we are serious, [b]that we are willing to take it to the top.[/b] We are sick of predatory transactions, we are sick of corporate greed, we are sick of not being heard. Keep the support coming! We can do it guardians!
Edit 2: I am overwhelmed by this support! Keep it coming guardians! Bungie will likely not comment, but we can rest assured that they have seen. Seen that we are serious about the content of our game, serious about the welfare of impressionable minds, serious about routing out corporate greed. [u][b][i][url=]As of now, our Petition has 231 signatures! For a real world petition this says something! Lets take this farther! Share the petition on Facebook and other social media, share it on reddit, share it with friends you know who are tired of predatory practices in gaming! TOGETHER, WE CAN GIVE THIS THE MOMENTUM TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD!!!!![/url][/i][/b][/u]
Yall continue with your petitions. I will continue to work my job, make money, play games. This is not even remotely a serious issue in my book.
Lmfao! I think you forgot the satire tag. The -blam!-ing UN?!?! Are you shitting me?? 😂😂
Boop the snoop ☝️
Hey. Good job.
Lol wtf is the UN going to do? Can’t even give their normal slap on the wrist because Bungie last time I checked isn’t a country
[i]*slow claps*[/i]
Hey UN leaders can you please forget about famine, poverty, war torn countries, global warming,natural disasters and any other serious real life issues to address this video game please. Seriously get a grip on life and what matters. I get that people don't like eververse but this is the most ridiculous post I've seen about it.
You guys make gamers look like complete morons. Get some perspective. You act like this game is the centre of all creation. Losers all of you. I'm ashamed.
Edited by Krishnas Prophet: 12/23/2017 5:17:31 PMFor people saying this problem is not big/doesnt matter in comparison with world problems: it is our problem. It is the gaming industries problem. It is bungies problem. Make your voice heard.
Bump! This needs to be heard!
Edited by BobMud: 12/23/2017 5:39:58 PMI know I've been part of the salt fire, but this is great. [spoiler] Warning: This post has been liked by Slim Slimy. Do not lick, bleed on, or inhale this post or you could be violated. [/spoiler]
This is funny stuff. Nothing more important going on in this world.
Edited by J117: 12/23/2017 3:24:14 PMWell played but the U.N has more important matters to be dealing with than a bloody computer game company!
[quote] Sign the petition today! If we want Bungie to hear us we need to do more than just burn the forums, we must light a fire the world can see!!! Eververse is just a cheap system that empowers a culture of gambling and laziness among its player base. This needs to change. If enough add their voice to the chorus, Bungie will hear! [b]***Please follow the link to sign the petition and like this thread as well!*** ***Comment [u]#endeververse[/u] below***[/b][/quote] Signed #endeververse
Nice troll
Another idiot who lacks self control.
The UN are the most corrupt organisation on earth, they more than likely will support this
I spy with my little eye, a millennial snowflake.
Technically Activision is at fault, not Bungie. Publishers have the final say in many if not all decisions developers makes. If anything, Activision is the scumbag central, and in their trail of destruction, have ruined Bungie, reducing it to its current unresponsive mess that it is.
Reckless Grizzly
🇨🇦 - old
Comparing real life issues with micro transactions in video games is sad to say the least. It’s an insult to people that can barely survive and having a decent meal is a luxury they can’t afford. There are many factors related to these issues and mass consumption/capitalism is certainly among the culprits. Addressing the UN for something like this is more than spat in the face of those who live in inequality every single day. -
Swigity Swoogity I’m comin for dat booty
[quote][url=] Contact the ESRB and let them know games like destiny should be rated mature[/url] Games with lootboxes should be rated mature. Easiest way to get rid of eververse is to get the rating changed for destiny 2. If a couple thousand complain that lootboxes are not for childern Bungie will be forced to make changes. They can't afford to be a mature game.[/quote]
I need help, i can't seem to find my pants.
That is okay, I would rather put my trust in my fellow passionate Guardians than some foreign entity who doesn't even know I nor Destiny 2 exist.
What an idiot