Sign the petition today! If we want Bungie to hear us we need to do more than just burn the forums, we must light a fire the world can see!!! Eververse is just a cheap system that empowers a culture of gambling and laziness among its player base. This needs to change. If enough add their voice to the chorus, Bungie will hear!
[b]***Please follow the link to sign the petition and like this thread as well!***
***Comment [u]#endeververse[/u] below***[/b]
Edit: Your support is the flame that will bring real change. Even if the UN does not officially acknowledge this [url=][u]issue[/u][/url] bungie will know that we are serious, [b]that we are willing to take it to the top.[/b] We are sick of predatory transactions, we are sick of corporate greed, we are sick of not being heard. Keep the support coming! We can do it guardians!
Edit 2: I am overwhelmed by this support! Keep it coming guardians! Bungie will likely not comment, but we can rest assured that they have seen. Seen that we are serious about the content of our game, serious about the welfare of impressionable minds, serious about routing out corporate greed. [u][b][i][url=]As of now, our Petition has 231 signatures! For a real world petition this says something! Lets take this farther! Share the petition on Facebook and other social media, share it on reddit, share it with friends you know who are tired of predatory practices in gaming! TOGETHER, WE CAN GIVE THIS THE MOMENTUM TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD!!!!![/url][/i][/b][/u]
Best Eververse shitpost yet. 10/10 here, my friend.
Keep eververse but not make it the only way to get good cosmetics
Dude, come on. The UN? Don't you think they more important things to worry about?
The UN? You serious? Ah yes. Lets annoy a group who have world wide problems and get them to help you kiddies get things on a silver platter. Add a golden fork, knife and spoon with that too. Then again you'd complain about the shine.
Mmmm, let's leave the UN out of this. Looks like publishers will have to stop instigating gambling behavior and addiction in games soon, or face being regulated by the government, yikes. Some states (it started in my state, Hawaii) have already started demanding these changes. Preying on little kids in game in pretty low :[ Games using such practice could be rated Adult Only, and therefore publishers would loose the biggest chunk of income coming from said games/loot boxes. As an adult, it's not that hard to refrain from buying a pink ship that does absolutely nothing to the game play, but most Destiny players I suspect are not 18 yet, lol.
Bit dramatic. Damn millennials.
Bungie needs to burn
No, you got it wrong. The game should be tried in The Hague for crimes against humanity!
I would rather let UN focus on real world problems than cry about my 1st world problems...
UN? Lmao
Edited by SpongyMallard7: 12/24/2017 2:07:59 AM[b]N[/b] [i]e[/i] [u]v[/u] [b]e[/b] [i]r[/i] [u]r[/u] [b]G[/b] [i]o[/i] [u]n[/u] [b]n[/b] [i]a[/i] [b]G[/b] [i]i[/i] [u]v[/u] [b]e[/b] you up[quote]NEVER[quote]GONAA[/quote][quote]LET[/quote][quote]YOU[/quote][quote]DOWN[/quote][/quote]
Is this a dig on Chicago having the gall to suggest that the U.N. should come and solve their gun violence problem while loudly and publicly snubbing the federal gov't of their own nation? If so, excellent parody. If not, then uh...what?
Wait... I must be missing something - you mean the UN as in United Nations? I think they have more important shit to deal with than people complaining they aren't getting enough shit for free.
Edited by Dredgen Dread: 12/23/2017 9:26:51 PMThe UN! Are you kidding me you first world problem touting snowflake? How entitled are you? The UN has better things to tackle like famine, natural disasters, war lords, poachers, abusers of women’s rights and out right real crime... you disgust me with this trash. I’m going to buy more silver right now just to shove it down your entitled throat. I hope RNG never gives you an exotic anything ever again lol.
Look I am all for removing Eververse and all loot boxes from games but this is just ridiculous.
First world problem only.
If people want to spend money let them. The more money Bungie gets the more content the players get.
Elite tier Hunter mains community - old
Bungie may be building an ICBM. -
I agree. The UN should take a break from dealing with Kim Jong Un’s nuclear agenda to sanction Bungie.
Somebody provide some fúcking evidence on why they hate Eververse so much. I want to know why, but all I get is political cartoon bullshit like this
Oh for love of-- is just meme site(majority of the time) at this point and the UN has better shit to do like famines, disasters, war, and etc...
lmfao. Yea. The UN is gonna give your petition the attention it deserves, I’m certain of it. Especially if you can get 300 people to click “sign.” You inspired me to make a petition for the UN to ban socks with green stripes.
How did you get to the top if the trending page?