I think it is time that governments step in and make these glorified online casinos that target underage kids illegal.
This is gambling, targeting minors. Period. I have seen the effects of these disgusting business practices on my own son. These games are using psychological warfare to prey on children, and people prone to gambling addiction. Time for this to stop.
Eververse has destroyed destiny, and microtransactions are destroying gaming.
Bungievision, I just have one question. How do you sleep at night, knowing that you are psychologically manipulating little kids to line your pockets?
The backlash is real, and you deserve every bit of criticism that comes your way. The dawning has shown your true colors. You are true corporate scum, and I fart in your general direction.
Eververse is the reason the soul has been ripped from destiny, Sure they are cosmetic trinkets and bobbles, but and here is the issue, In D1 if you did the hard raid you had a chance at the hard raid ship, hardly worth anything but a loading screen thing...NO was a trophy, a LOOK WHAT I DID, now that it gone, it was the reason for the grind the reason to do the nightfall or the hard raid....now its a chucky cheese token crapfest and they have used shaders and the sha m blue mods to water down the loot pool of eververse so your chances at exactly what you may want is near impossible in the short term. Eververse was first upsold to us on the premise it was to fund live team stuff ect, With the dawning Im not feeling it, it's a shitty cash grab and sickens me that we were fooled into believing this would top D1, many pre ordered, Im sure bungie scored hard, wait till they want my wallet open again!! They had a good thing and some sob ripped the heart out of the game in the name of more money, now the game is a husk of it's former glory!!