Hey guys! I'm back at it again with another raid idea boss! It has been awhile now and I've kept pushing because I'm lazy lol. But I'm going to try to do one every week, so let me know what you guys think and see if you can give any suggestions for another boss! Thanks once again! :)
RAID BOSS: The Undefined Will
SPECIES: Taken Human
What was my purpose? To kill? To help? To protect something? To lead? To hide? There's so many - too many. He left me without one. I lost my desire, my will, and my strength to continue. Who could've done this to me? Was it my own fault? Did I really expect something from this? I came here to see if I can gain power, to become the strongest, to become like them...
That's it...
I know where my purpose is. I just need to obtain it...
Starting with the ones that destroyed my master, my King.
AREA: Earth, His Throne
Platform: Hexagonal shape, the center of the platform is a bit elevated and the shape is octagonal(this is where he spawns). Six Platforms that can be stood upon. The roof right above the octagon has an opening. Inside the opening are 6 routes that all LEAD to the opening. To start this encounter all 6 platforms must be stood on.
Left hand: Mortar Bombs(very similar to the cabal boss on the dreadnaught but shoots 3 at a time), Spread Shot (very similar to the acolyte's shredder but shoots 5 at a time in a circular form),Suffocating grasp.
Right hand: Taken absorption, Sniper Spread, Tracker Shot.
Both hands: The Purpose, Delusion, The Will
BUFFS: Power of Rage, Power of Fortitude, Power of Expedition. Restored light.
DEBUFFS: Heaven's Closing, Power of Sacrifice, Anemic Brace, Insurmountable Rage, Insurmountable Fortitude, Insurmoutable Expedition, Taint of Death, Ritual of Regulation.
MECHANICS: Once everyone has stood on a platform, The Undefined Will will appear. Power from the Six Platforms will be taken in order for him to appear, thus, you lose your super, grenades, and melee from the beginning of this battle (it is not indefinite, it's just how it begins.) TUW begins with his Mortar Bombs and Taken Absorption. The ads will be Taken minatours and Wizards to start it off.
There will be plenty of them as well.
To continue to the next phase, you just need to keep doing damage to TUW until 1/8th of his health is gone.
He will then summon 3 Taken Kells known as Regulators.
These regulator will be known as:
Rage regulator, Fortitude Regulator, and Expedition Regulator.
While this is happening, TUW will begin his Power of Sacrifice. This takes 5 minutes.
Once his Power of Sacrifice begins, a text will appear saying "The gateway has been opened."
You must then lower the Regulators health to half. The Regulator will gain an impenetrable shield and a text will appear saying, "The Ritual of Regulation has begun."
Once this occurred, 1 Regulator will then teleport 2 random guardians above to 1 of the Six Routes.
During the ritual, 1 guardian must die while the other stays alive (before they are teleported) The guardian that died will be brought back to life by a buff called "Restored Light"
This grants that guardian an ability that I will discuss soon.
To make life easier, it is best that you lower all three Regulator's health to half so you can all go at the same time and there won't be any confusion.
The guardians that die will always be in separate routes while the other three guardians will join one of the dead ones.
Once the dead guardians have been restored, each of them will gain a random buff: Power of Rage, Fortitude, or Expedition.
These guardians will have to run to the end of the route (back to the opening) and get a orb that could only be wielded by the people who gained the specific buff.
The orbs are known as:
Fortitude orb, rage orb, Expedition orb.
The guardians with the buffs cannot shoot or defend themselves, they can only run to pick up the orb.
That's when the other guardians come into play. These guys need to protect them from the ads that spawn in, such as Taken Thralls, knights, and Wizards.
Once everyone makes it to the end and grabs an orb, they must drop down back to the original platform.
The guardians with the orbs will then need to find their respective symbol that will be located on one of the platforms and place their orb in the platform. You will then get a huge bubble around you (much like the ones in King's Fall)
Once this occurs, the Regulators will then proceed with the ritual and try to wipe you from existence.
This is when you must take out the Regulators with the respective shields and damage type.
While all of this was happening, TUW resstored his 1/8th health back to max and he also has a shield(he can only restore 1/8th of his health every time he does this).
Once eliminated, everyone needs to group up so everyone can have all 3 buffs with each other so they can take off TUW shield so he won't wipe you with his Power of Sacrifice.
Once the shield is off, he will stop his Power of Sacrifice and begin shooting you.
This is when the buffs come into play.
Failure to have the Power of Rage: He does a TON of damage to you and shoots 5 times faster (Insurmountable Rage).
Failure to have the Power of Fortitude: He has a buff known as Insurmountable Fortitude which brings a bunch of taken wizards to circle him and to block projectiles coming at him along with taken vandals that constantly put up their shields around him. He's basically invincible.
Failure to have the Power of Expedition: TUW will constantly teleport to various locations and will speed up the DPS phase.
Having The power of Rage buff makes you do a ton of damage to him.
Having The power of Fortitude buff makes you take normal damage and the shield destroys most of the ads protecting him.
Having The power of Expedtion buff makes you move 3 times faster and extends the DPS phase.
Once the DPS phase is over, the buffs will disappear and the three guardians will then get a debuff saying "Heaven's Closing"
This means they cannot grab the orb consecutively and they could only hold the orb twice throughout the whole encounter (this means you have 4 tries before you have to wipe).
Rinse and repeat until he dies.
HARD MODE: Once you place the orbs in the respective platform, you will teleport again back up top to one of the remaining 3 routes to gain another orb.
Each buff will require 2 orbs to actually work but ONLY 1 person needs to have the bubble for the respective buff to work.
This means that the other 3 people need to stay up there so when the other 3 come back up, they can protect them on their route.
You need to take out 1/4th of TUW's health for him to begin his Power of Sacrifice.
At half health, TUW puts a rebuff on one of the guardians known as "Taint of Death".
You will have thirty seconds to give it to someone else or you die.
Once you lose it, you gain a rebuff known as "Anemic Brace" which means you have to wait 2 minute before being able to grab the Taint of Death rebuff again.
As soon as the Regulators spawn in, they begin their ritual.
The Regulators will now vary between a Taken Ultra Kell, Taken Ultra Valus/Primus Cabal, Taken Ultra Vex Mind Minotaur, and a Taken Ultra Boomer Knight/ Ultra Wizard.
CHALLENGE MODE: Do not take out any Ads in The Six Routes (this will make it so that the ads drop down and create a mini Taken boss Regulator. This Regulator will not have a shield or anything but it's best to take it out as soon as possible).
Let me know what you guys think of this! Leave any suggestions down below! Thank you all and happy holidays! :)
Oh oh I've got one SYOX THE DEFILED