originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"So, how would the pretty lady like to just spend the day looking at the sky with another?" Alex asked, closing the gap between them. [/i]
[spoiler]Trust me, I know this is kinda awkward but I have a plan lmfao. Just roll with it for the moment. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]👍 lol[/spoiler] “Perhaps with a little bit of affection. Maybe some cuddling.” Shila had blurted out, starstruck by the sky. She seemed a lot more cooler and composed now.
[i]"I like the way you thi-" [/i] [b]"Alexandra, you drop your charms right -blam!-ing now. Or I swear to god, your mother's ghost will turn in her grave." [/b] [i]"Damn it... One second, pretty lady, I have a bit of a typrant to put up with. I would imagine you know the cowboy here? Tall, asshole, intelligence of a sixth grader?" [/i] [u]At that very moment in time, the simulation opened up; A blackened rift cut a hole in space and time within the arena and JT stepped through, the wound repairing itself immediately after. He had a look of rage upon his face as he approached the two of them, looking down to Shila. [/u] [b]"Shila, don't trust this whôre. She's using pheromones and manipulating your wants with magic." [/b]
Shila simply nodded at JT, looking up toward Alex. “Yeah... I know JT. He’s the reason that I’m here. He’s technically my Master. I kneel to him.” Was her response, standing up herself and stretched.
[i]"Why though? Of all people, him?" Alex asked, standing with Shila. If anything, JT outing Alex only made her go more heavy on the pheromones and the manipulation. [/i]
“Because he was the first person who was willing to take me in.” She tells Alex, taking out her kitana, wiping it.
[b]"I found her in a field and we've been buds ever since." [/b]
“Pretty much the extent of it.” Shila tells Alex, smiling.
[i]"So are you two, like, together or...?" [/i]
She looked to JT, a smile on her face.
[b]"Now hold up now, we ain't a thing? If so then Irina is gonna -blam!-in' murder me." [/b]
Shila chuckled. “I know. We’re just friends. Best of friends.”
[i]"So what you're saying is you're single, Shila?" [/i] [b]"Alex don't fûck my friends." [/b] [i]"I'm not going to fûck her, calm down. It's a question." [/i]
“...Yeah. I am.” She says bluntly, sighing.
[i]"Well, we should rectify that." [/i] [b]"Shila, don't go with her, come on now." [/b] [i]"Don't listen to him, come with me Shila." [/i]
She was torn between either end of the spectrum. Clearly, she couldn’t choose which, and rather have the both of worlds.
[i]...[/i] [b]...[/b]
Edited by A Stormy Dio: 12/29/2017 5:21:57 AMShila, of course, was about to do something...until she proceeded to be attacked. Via what seemed to look like three [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/f8b0/th/pre/f/2014/262/6/4/future_ninja_by_hideyoshi-d7zpriy.jpg]futuristic ninjas[/url]. One immediately tried to slash at her, only for her to duck and kick him in the leg, and then the stomach, pushing him back. The other two went for JT and Alex respectively.
[i]JT grabbed the blade of the ninja that attacked him, effortlessly crushing the metal with his right hand as he casually drew a revolver and shot him right through the heart. When the ninja fell, he fired at the one going for Shila. Alex got a bit more dicey on it though, stepping back and out of the blade's reach. She lunged forwards and darted behind him, turning so that she faced his back. Whilst he turned she would draw a knife from her back, forcing it into his throat. [/i]
Both would be dead from it, disappearing into little pixels, all while Shila proceeded to kick her ninja, straight toward JT’s Shot, the shot hitting the ninja’s thigh, which Shila finished off with multiple punches through there and the stomach and a final stab with her sword through the ninja’s thigh, straight up through his throat.
[i]"...From the looks of things, I think this simulation wants you dead, Shila." [/i]
“More like the Simulation wants to keep testing me...I remember those ninjas were scouts for our rebuilt armies.” Shila tells the two of them.
[i]"Okay, so they're testing you?" [/i]
“Probably.” She says, shrugging in response.
[b]"You been talking to people back home?"[/b]
“Barely. The mercenaries cut off the majority of tech communication on the planet early on in the invasion. Only got letters from a friend of mine; guard to me, originally, until she was sent out to the war front.” Shila tells them.