originally posted in:The New Dojo
“No, I just vish to take zem avay from ze general populace. Zey don’t have to die, but none of zem ever just come vith me. Zey alvays revuse, and I have to kill zem. How do you know all zis?”
[b]The Huntress looked even more confused. She was honestly ready at any moment to retaliate, this was really creeping her out.[/b]
"That's a secret." The girl giggled and placed a finger over her own lips with a wink. "I'm just happy you've got a heart. It seems too many people around here are full of chaos, hate, fear, and despair. You...have a good bit of that too, but at least you will let those you consider your enemy to live."
“I literally do not have a heart. Vysically I do not have a heart, it was torn out when I vas turned into a homunculus. But zank you? Zeriously, how do you know zis?”
"Didn't know that about the heart actually..." The girl shrugged. "I'm not telling you how I know though. I just do."
“Zo basically you’re a vucking cheater is what I’m hearing?” [b]The Huntress looked slightly irritated now.[/b]
"Cheater?" The girl sounded genuinely offended. "I just have the ability to see people...in a way. It's complicated."
“Zoooooo you’re a cheater, is vhat I’m hearing. Zat is just straight-up cheating at other people’s lives.”
"I..." She got flustered, crossing her arms. "How is that cheating? It's not like I use it to gain anything."
“Doesn’t change ze vact zat you don’t have to ask anyvone vat zey have done or anyzing. You instantly know who to avoid, so zat’s cheating.”
"What am I cheating? Does that make me a bad person to you?" She was obviously confused at this point, lowering the hood.
“Being a cheater does not make you a bad person. You are simply cheating at live. You know who is dangerous, zo you can automatically avoid zem. Cheating at live.”
"Oh okay, for a second I thought you disliked me or something." She weakly chuckled. "Sadly it doesn't stop bad people from shooting at me."
“Yes, but it allows you to ztay avay vrom zem in ze virst place. You know vat people do, so you can simply not talk or interact vith zem.”
"I mean, I guess. You do know that doesn't stop them from shooting from a distance though, right? I also can't exactly run at super speeds."
“Yeah, but zat doesn’t change zat ze ozers can’t really effect you, unlike most people.”
"Hmm. I won't deny it giving me a slight advantage over others when it comes to living. I just don't like the sound of being called a cheater."
“Being a cheater is never necessarily a bad zing, just remember zat. Zome people vould zay I’m a cheater because I can only die in one vay. Zose people are correct.”
"Thanks, that helps." She raised a brow at the one way to die thing. "Wait, you can only die in one specific way?"
“One very specivic vay, yes. Vew people know about it, zough.”
"That's more of a cheat than my ability. Though, I don't know what you had to go through to gain that boon in life."
“Oh, it was awvul. And no, I won’t go into detail, just take my vord. Or don’t, I don’t particularly care. Anyvays, vhat brings you to Dojoville?”
"Oh, y'know." The girl nervously laughed. "I have a friend here. I'm here for him because he's going through a rough time."
“Veally? Vhat kind of rough zings? Probably not going to zeek zem out, but it’d just me nice to know should I run into zem.”
"Just a uhh...an identity crisis of sorts. It's okay though, he's getting better." She smiled up at Huntress, she was a terrible lier.
“Vow, zat vas a pathetic attempt at lying. Lying is usually easy to detect anyways, but you’re just bad at lying.”
She sighed and shook her head. "I know, I'm terrible at it and it makes me feel horrible...sorry."