originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Helena slowly blinked, letting go of her coffee to... literally start counting on her hands, quietly whispering to herself. Her memory was particularly bad, so it wasn't that she couldn't count.[/i]
"Eight years."
"Alright. You okay?"
"Eh...? What kinda question's that? Yeah, I'm fine."
"No, it's just odd to see an adult counting on their fingers. Not that I hold it against you or anything. I know your childhood was [i]really[/i] fućked up. Just... struck me as odd." [spoiler]Wouldn't her healing factor thing fix the memory issues?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No because she was drugged to high hell for a while[/spoiler] "Oh, yeah, yeah... that's 'cause the first chunk of m'life's jus' missing. Basic'ly started when m'mum found me walkin' the streets after m'grand escape." [i]Hold on... that would mean that she's... well, a handful of years old at the most, and she definitely seemed like an adult in just about every way. The fuсk.[/i]
"How long was that 'first chunk' of your life?"
"Hmm... ten months, give or take. 'Least, that's what the research notes say."
"Ten months? And then you joined the Crimson Void?"
"I aged, like... ten times as fast, kinda... basic'ly, I'm some fuсkin' science fare gone wrong, b'cause I was born in a vat 'n then grew rapidly 'til I [i]looked[/i] teenaged, which is when m'agin' started t'slow. So I'm 'bout nine, I guess, technic'ly..."
"Damn... Bout the only good thing that came out of that bullshit, eh?"
[i]Even if she didn't show it, Helena was relieved that Athena wasn't flipping shit about her technically being awfully underage -- because she only was on paper. She was already thinking on an adult level at a few months, and physically, she was just as mature by now.[/i] "I dunno, I like t'think cool shape-shiftin' powers 'n not dyin're pretty cool..."
"I think not dying would be cool up until the point where you watch everyone and everything you love end time and time again."
"WELL, that's gloomy... True, though. Eh, I dunno, prob'ly [i]can[/i] die of age, t'be honest. Hopefully. Ah, fuсk, it'd be shit t'live forever..."
"I suppose..."
"Anyways, gloomy eventualities aside, it's interesting enough. And useful as fućk."
"Oh, for sure 't is. I ain't slowed by armour 'n I can jus' use m'own body as a weapon, 'n 'tis great. It's like... when y'get shot fifty times, they expect ya t'fall, eh? So if y'don't, 't gets pretty fuсkin' freaky 'cause y're jus' bleedin' with your body blow apart, but y're still fuсkin' standin'."
"Freaky would be an understatement. I can just imagine some jackass screaming 'Why won't you fućking die?' or some shit like that. It'd be fućking comical."
"Oh, trust me, that's happened! 'Twas bloody hilarious, b'cause he first hit m'with a fuсkin' grenade, 'n y'know, shrapnel doesn't mix well with everyday clothes, 'n then he emptied a mag, but I was still standin' - on one dаmn leg - with m'guts hangin' out, half m'head blown off, 'n missin' more limbs than a quadriplegic, but I wouldn't fuсkon' the die, 'n the poor guy - I shit y'not - jus' fuсkin' gives up, pushes me over, 'n plops down on a chair."
"I take it he had a bad day?"
"I'd consider a day where a science fare experiment gone wrong comes in 'n breaks your shit 'n kills your friends is pretty bad, t'be honest," [i]Hel responded with a quiet laugh, her fingers left to absentmindedly tap on the table as she had finished her coffee.[/i]
"Same here."
"Aye... so, y'wanna go grab a bite t'eat? I'm starvin'."