I have noticed the changes of D2 from D1 for the chars and skills and today is the day that i decided to write about it.
Now I know that some is good and some is bad. I'm going to list the skills that changed to benefit the Guardian to see the differences between D1 and D2.
You have to see that I am writing this PvP based since Mayhem is out and there you can clrearly see the unfairness to other classes.
Back in D1 the striker jumped one time and killed everything on first hit.
Now in D2 the striker can jump up to three times and if you do not want to jump you can takle them. Everything kills on one hit. But that's not all, he gets an additional grenade ( the warlock can only get one if he has the sunbracers ) which i think is even more unfair since the pulse grenade is the strongest in the whole game.
The sunbreaker stayed the same in my opinion. Some changes here and there but from D1 not that big change. Still one hitting everything to the sun. HE CAN RUN AND HIT SOMEONE WITH A HAMMER NOW !
The sentinel basically just got the Captain America shield throw thing that kills on first hit as well.
So basically what they did was giving the Titan ( that should be the defensive tank guy ) one more ability to one hit everything. ( not like he allready had 2 abilitys to one it lol )
The gunslinger didn't really change from D1 to D2 except that YOU CAN NOW SHOOT 6 TIMES !!
The arcstrider is a D1 long staff chinese Kung Fu master where you can hit someone like a ninja or shoot thunder from it or jump into the sky and do other stuff that looks way to cool. One hits everything btw.
Shoots an arrow that on hit, kills and then turns into a voidball that stun players around it and giving them more damage for as long as they are stunned. Not a big change from D1 to be honest.
The voidwalker didn't change AT ALL. Oh no the giant ball is following the target now ! OMG NOO PLS.
That is all i can say about it. What is so scary about a giant floating ball slowly following you ? Just stand behind a wall and everything is ok. It one hits on impact thou...IF IT HITS THE TARGET !
Well Dawnblade...LOOKS AWESOME ! but i want my D1 hey i'm a canon now and i am throwing ALOT OF GRENADES AT YOU AND IF I DIE I JUST REVIVE MYSELF !! Of course D1 didn't one hit and dawnblade does not one hit as well. Plus you can dodge the fire cuts super easily.
Or how i would call him. The " I have to hit you 6 times with my super until you die."
It's sad. really. It stayed the same with the D1 stormcaller except it looks like he DOES NOT DO ANY KIND OF DAMAGE ! Another name for the Stormcaller could be the "I tickle you". No seriously.
It takes 2 to 3 hits with stormcaller to hit the shield away and then another 2 to 3 hits to kill ( somehow the Titan and the Hunter always ignore the shield but the warlock not ). What changed it that if you have "attunement of the elements" then you can jump first, activate and then he fires a bolt of lightning under him ( never knew if it one hits but i don't think so ).
So to see we have a titan with 3 subclasses that can one hit. The hunter has also 3 subclasses that can one hit and the warlock is the only one who only has one. Even thou in the game its like the warlock is the strongest class. Seriously what is wrong with bungie ? Where is the fairness for warlock classes ?
What i want is that they give the stormcaller a one hit. No shield just one hit like titan and hunter. ( since they ignore the shield aswell )
Warlock casts stormcaller and kills one hit with it.
We can see with this that Bungie prioritizes the Titan the most. Giving him 3 full one hit classes. 1 extra grenade and the ability to cast striker 3 times. It's unfair.
Does anyone think the same as me ? I think the stormcaller should one hit.
Did you actually play Sunsinger or Dawnblade? They both have the ability to one shot. Stormcaller Landfall can oneshot, and if you’re asking for Stormcaller’s super to oneshot normally, that would be absurd