Thanks to my lost interest in D2, today I: I did laundry, I vacuumed, I did the dishes, I mopped, I even used the carpet machine in the living room today. Thank you Bungie for reminding me that I have weeklies in real life that are seemingly more important than logging on to find a clan that doesn’t want to or isn’t active enough to tackle the end game content that made Destiny so good.
I think ya pissed of your fan base with eververse and a slew of lazy things that you could have fixed (seriously vault space has been a problem since D1). I hope you have a plan to fix it and fast (I am wondering if your plan is to just half ass the rest of the dlcs and abandon D2 to make way for D3).
Sounds like you need some new leadership cause whoever is driving the train over there has taken steered us all away from playing.
Anyway, I’ll probably come back to checkout the next dlc since you already have my money for it but I’ll be damned if I’m going to give you any more money for this game without appropriate changes.
Thanks again for motivating me to clean my apartment!
Dude you should be doing this crap anyway. Are you an adult or a child?