Hello people!
I'm really exited about this game and enjoying the beta so far, But..
This sticky/autoaim/big hitboxes needs and got to be fixed on the [i]PC version[/i].
I understand that [i]consoles gamers[/i] "may" need this feature, but on [i]PC[/i] this should be illegal.
There's no way a [i]PC-Gamer[/i] can consider themselves as a "pro" when autoaim is on, especially in a PVP battle. (Imagine [i]CS:GO[/i] with aimbots in a competetive league) It would convert from cheating to luck when everybody have this option, throwing dice could be another thing to end every game in that scenario.
With the competetive game-mode and everything [i]Destiny-2[/i] acctually got a chance not only to be a great [i]Coop[/i] Game but also another big [i]E-sport[/i] Game. It's up to [i]Bungie[/i] if they wanna throw the dice or do something about it.
With that off my chest, im looking forward to progressions and the full release of[i] Destiny 2[/i] when this is settled.
Thank You!
BUMP. Came searching for others experiencing this and for PvP this is a big issue. Hitboxes are really bad, period. I can even count how many times I've been killed or gotten kills when they hitbox should be behind cover. Aslo to add to this issue the Radar is a big problem, all the pre-fiering and the fact that it takes one extra second to get behind cover due to poor engine performance often result in kills thats just annoying and bad for the game. In all I find this being symptoms from Console that just destroys the PC experience once again. The majority of lazy players wanting this stuff just smash the 144 hz Pc experience as Bungie obviously is unable to transfer the game into a well performance 144 hz game somehow. Bethesda managed to do this in the 1990 with their quake engine that supported COD (still does?) for a long time due to its accuracy. Modern games how ever just dont stand up to fast paced precisions and accuracy needed for the game's PVP core to function. I'm leaving this game for now, waiting and reading patch notes to see if they managed to fix it. Until then I'm done playing a game that just has a core this optimized.