A deserving award.
Destiny 2 This was a polarising choice. Seemingly Bungie managed to accomplish the impossible by irritating both the hardcore Destiny 1 fanbase AND the casual audience with a cavalcade of "downgrades", controversies and poor press. From being caught stripping down content to be re-sold as microtransactions through to skimming EXP from players - Destiny 2 has not been a smooth ride. Not even Starwars Battlefront 2 came close to the level of regret felt by long-time Bungie fans.... Again..."
Edit: RIP my battery. Keep it up!!
[spoiler]ha! Made you look!![/spoiler]
I play on Tuesdays. Complete my flashpoint and PVP then I'm gone. The problem is bungie and us want destiny to be a continual game like a mmo. However that quality is not easilly obtained at 59.99 or less. Even with DLC including silver. The games not big enough. Small areas of few planets/moons. And Activision isn't willing to give bungie what it needs to grow to a size/quality we expect. Here's my problem solving: 1. Huge story arc. 2 sides of a guardian civil war. A-la alliance vs horde. FWC has already dropped hints at this. 2. Large battles on planets. Featuring AI and PVP. 3. Investment. Players need to care about the story and direction. (I hated horde players in WoW man... I hunted they're a$$es down. Super fun. 4. Stop trying to impress hardcore players with raids. Make them accessible and fun instead of difficult and avoidable. Hard modes can always be available. 5. Be honest. Let players know that what we/you want costs money. A premier type subscription like $5-$8 bucks a month after a lengthy free preview to prove to us that you get it. 6. Random roll perk weapons need to come back. As well as customization of exotic weapons. 7. RNG needs a fix. I don't know how. Just fix it. You're the pros. 8. Reasons to play! There's no reason for me to play after Tuesday. I've beaten the raid a few times and that's enough for me. Hardcore mode? No thanks. I get yelled at enough irl. I don't need it during gametime.