[b]User wants to know about your near death experience(s):[/b]
[quote]Well we all atleast had a near death experience before, i want to know yours.
I actually had a couple of near death experiences.
I almost walked off a cliff while hiking up trail to a peak of a mountain before. It was really foggy going up hill at the time...[/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User wants to know what the best album of 2017 was:[/b]
[quote]What are your favorite albums that came out this last year? What do you like about them? [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User shows us what the offtopic section of Bungie.net looked like 13 years ago:[/b]
[quote] Enjoy! [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User makes a really well drawn wolverine:[/b]
[quote]Took me 25 hours approximately, think I'm slowly getting the hang of charcoal.
Criticism welcome [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User reports that a man was killed over a COD match after getting swatted:[/b]
[quote]So someone lost a bet over a COD match, tried to call a SWAT team on the winner, and the police went to the wrong house and shot a guy for no apparent reason at all. [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User asks what the worst food you ever tasted was:[/b]
[quote]The worst thing I've ever tasted was just a PB&J that had been in a ziplock plastic bag in the heat too long. It tasted like pure plastic chemicals. I couldn't get that taste out for so long and now I'm always skeptical of food in plastic bags...[/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]User wants to know about your irrational fears:[/b]
[quote] Personally i never take escalators for fear of my feet getting sucked into the top bit where the steps faltten out and go under the floor and having my legs look like grated cheese. [/quote]
[b] [/b]
[b]Weekly Segment:[/b]
You PUBG fans will enjoy this one the most: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&persist_app=1&noapp=1&v=jaloXB-wQQc]Playerunknowns Serbia[/url]
End notes: I've neglected to say this in previous reports but if you think I should include a post in a WOTR please let me know.
Sorry for posting this late. I enjoyed a nice New Years day with the fam.