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Edited by Willy Bum Bum: 1/2/2018 9:28:04 AM

If This Community Can Pull Off "removeeverpurse" We Can Pull Off "Boycott Destiny Friday"

All bungie gives us is the same old "[b]we'll talk more later[/b]" line, despite the fact that the forums have been burning for some time now. What will make them listen? Our complaints? Obviously not. If eververse proves one thing it is that money is the only language that bungie understands. If those of you who support #removeeverpurse really want to send a message, then pick a day (for example Friday) and everyone who still plays agree not to play on that day. We spread the word before that day across the forums, across reddit. We convince our friends/clan mates who play to play something else that day. We do this, [i]every week[/i]. If bungie doesn't notice our presence they will certainly notice our absence. What do you say? Boycott Destiny Friday anyone? Lets send bungie a message through action... [b]BOYCOTT DESTINY FRIDAY!!![/b] [b]***Comment [i]#boycottdestinyfriday[/i] Below!!!***[/b]

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  • I thought most people quit playing this game already and went on to other phone games with microtransactions.

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  • "We are listening" "We hear you" "We are having discussions" "We are collecting feedback" "Stay tuned"

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  • Well that didn't work lol

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  • yeah this game sucks

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  • Nah. Friday is my day off. I’ll be playin all day. Thanks.

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  • You do realize I a large chunk of players are not on playing any given day right? I played yesterday but not Monday. So it is pretty normal to have players that don't play for whole day. I will just play Friday now to make up your absence.

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  • More like I should buy some silver on Friday.

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  • I had plans on Friday, but now I'm going to cancel those JUST so that I can play D2 Pissing off salty, entitled kids who spend their winter breaks crying online is my jam

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    2 Replies
    • I just bought $50 dollars of silver on the eververse because of this stupid post.

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      71 Replies
      • I would be far more impressed if you could get them to #RemoveTwoPrimaryWeaponSystem

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      • I already boycott D2 on every day that ends with the letter Y. I still jump on D1 every now and then for some PvP.

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      • Edited by BurntToast222: 1/4/2018 7:21:17 PM
        Nobody will because we already all stopped playing

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      • Quitting for a day.. That's cute. Quit playing completely, and don't buy the dlc. That's the best way.

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        9 Replies
        • If you haven't seen the daily numbers it's like they're being boycotted everyday. That won't help since they already made all the money they need.

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        • Your biggest mistake is the same as other people doing the remove eververse thing and that's assuming we're a community united. We aren't. Yes the eververse is a problem that needs addressing but no matter how many forum posts you make, they won't remove it. At best they will put everything for direct sale, at worst they won't do a damn thing but tell you they will. Either way I speak with my wallet and don't buy anything, that's as far as I go. I'm not going to stop playing something I was gifted by my daughter and her husband because some numpty on a forum thinks it sounds like a good idea. I'll play the game and continue ignoring the eververse.

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          7 Replies
          • How about you start “dont play destiny at all” That sounds better

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          • [b][i]Just stop playing the game entirely.[/i][/b]

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            5 Replies
            • Heres what we need to do. All of us destiny haters I say we boycot the forums from now on that'll teach em all we mean business. I mean considering we hate the game why on earth are we still on here complaining lets leave and never return.

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            • Why don't you try boycotting stupidity, whininess and being a huge dork?

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            • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 1/3/2018 4:33:13 PM
              I want this game to die, It's the only why this company will get a clue and maybe wake the hell up. As of right now I hope the player base keeps plummeting. This company needs to learn what it means to show respect to their player base. This isn't a free to play game that needs the micro in their game to create events or any content for that matter. The base game with this cheap expansion pays for all that it's self. If free to play games can provided content with just using micro. WTH is this lazy company doing with the money they have made this last 3 years through things like... Redbull Refer a friend Boost packs RockStar Pop-Tarts Festival of cost and whatever else For the amount of money this game makes and what they have offered is Hog Wash when you look at games that use the micro as they are intended for.... [spoiler]creating content[/spoiler] What makes it worse is that they had the balls to say... [quote]We creates a new system that will allow us to create content much easier[/quote] Really, where is this content BungieVi$ion when it comes to this "expansion"???

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              2 Replies
              • remove... [spoiler]deez nutz[/spoiler]

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                1 Reply
                • That's not going to happen. People love to bitch and moan, but will go right back and play the game and pay for more engrams

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                • I guess that might be OK considering by that time I will have done the raid all the milestones all the dawning c*** and lots of crucible probably so yeah I'll take A-day

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                • Honesty, it's pointless at this stage. The game has seen a rapidly declining playerbase since launch, most people have moved on to other, honesty more fun games. There is little to draw back what they've lost and beyond an overhaul of the system itself, there's not much incentive to get back on. Not playing for a day isn't going to drive bungie into action, when losing approx. 80% of their players hasn't exactly motivated them too.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Also... did the community actually "pull off" the whole #removeeververse thing? I'm not sure you can say that it did. I'm pretty sure the only thing it accomplished was flooding the forums with a load of BS rather than anything useful. As far as I can tell, Bungie hasn't removed eververse, so....... ?

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                  • No. It's just so many are bandwagoning for their little touch of fame just like your post. There's just so many. No one really cares they just want trending

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