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Edited by Willy Bum Bum: 1/2/2018 9:28:04 AM

If This Community Can Pull Off "removeeverpurse" We Can Pull Off "Boycott Destiny Friday"

All bungie gives us is the same old "[b]we'll talk more later[/b]" line, despite the fact that the forums have been burning for some time now. What will make them listen? Our complaints? Obviously not. If eververse proves one thing it is that money is the only language that bungie understands. If those of you who support #removeeverpurse really want to send a message, then pick a day (for example Friday) and everyone who still plays agree not to play on that day. We spread the word before that day across the forums, across reddit. We convince our friends/clan mates who play to play something else that day. We do this, [i]every week[/i]. If bungie doesn't notice our presence they will certainly notice our absence. What do you say? Boycott Destiny Friday anyone? Lets send bungie a message through action... [b]BOYCOTT DESTINY FRIDAY!!![/b] [b]***Comment [i]#boycottdestinyfriday[/i] Below!!!***[/b]

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  • Edited by BIGwillestylz: 1/2/2018 4:04:03 PM
    Ummm so if you want Tess removed shouldn’t you have already quit playing the game? I mean if you’re on the forums demand for Everest to be removed but YOU ARE still playing the game you are part of the problem not the solution.

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    • I am boycoting 55 days in a row

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      • Time for talking is over.

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        9 Replies
        • Unrelated to the crying I pretty much just dropped destiny cuz it’s getting boring, not even because of all this transaction bullshittery. This would be a good idea if more then half the people playing this game didn’t do it already.

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        • Activision would rather watch Bungie burn than giving us what we want.

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        • I haven’t played destiny in a month. I played one match of mayhem yesterday before realizing it was trash and deleted Destiny off my hardrive for the foreseeable future, so I’ll definitely be participating in boycott destiny Friday

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        • Boycott lol 😂

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        • I almost never play on Friday anyway. This game is a Tuesday to Thursday game if you have 3 characters, Milestones 1 character per night. If you are playing video games on Friday and Saturday night, you are doing it wrong, and Sunday, Monday are for other games. IMHO.

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          • The perfect solution for Eververse:

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          • Whoa the fans will be angry haha

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            2 Replies
            • It’s been 3 weeks since I last played by now I will continue boycotting D2 until we all unite and achieve significant changes Sad part is, Bungie has my money already from the DLC bundle but whatever; I’m not giving them 1 cent on Eververse nor will I purchase another damn DLC or game again if they don’t start listening to the hardcore and dedicated community and stop saying “wE aRe LiStENinG tO yOUr FeEdBacK” HURR DURR

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            • I would happily boycott for the entire year until bungie fixes the Te$$ micro transactions bull**** Boycott Friday/ any other day, I'm in

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            • BUMP

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              • Im down for the cause and ill spread the word. However only 25% of players still actually play the game 3 months after launch. If bungie does not care now i dought they will care if we take any more actions. Friday it is.

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              • Just boycott it daily.... play Warframe. It’s similar enough to destiny for everyone to enjoy it, but it’s much more well made, FREE TO PLAY (and not P2W), they come out with little updates (literally bigger than Bungo’s “DLC’s”) every couple months, along with a new character. There’s tons of quests, new “characters” are relatively easy to get, and the currency that you have to pay money for, you can also get from other players through a solid trading system. Ah, who am I kidding. EVERYBODY JUST GO BACK AND PLAY D1... it’s the reason we’re all here, yeah? Bungie might get the idea, if we go back and play the game they tried to kill...

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                • Edited by dodgedude76: 1/2/2018 4:08:10 PM
                  I think what we need to do is boycott a whole week. Like pick Iron Banner week or something. But most important of all don't buy anything from that store. I think its fine to pick up your free engram from leveling up from it but don't buy any silver.

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                • Lol, you guys are actually playing this game?? What is it you do? Stopped playing in september.

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                  5 Replies
                  • I'm already boycotting Destiny 2: The S**tting King. [spoiler][b][i][u]KUPO!!!™[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]

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                    • Bump

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                    • #Boycottdestinyfriday

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                    • Go to hell. Im not a sheep

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                    • They're probably shocked that all their other -blam!- ups have been outshined by some cosmetic shaders and sparrows. Wouldn't be surprised if they're legitimately confused as to why this is what gets the most complaints

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                    • Or pick a day when you actually log in because frankly there is not much reason to do it xD... But if what happened since launch didnt turn off someone from buying the next DLC, i dont know what would... Dont buy the next DLC (third if you have season pass)! Thats the only thing theyll notice.

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                    • You get Bungies attention the same way you get any businesses attention - vote with your wallet. Stop buying DLCs, stop spending money at Eververse, etc... I put this game down two months ago and I’m just returning to this garbage pile of a forum. Based on everyone’s feedback I’m not buying the DLC. D1 OG. I’d be a fool to continue down this path with Bungie. I will not be spoon fed content I should already have.

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                    • [b][i]I won't have a problem with doing what you ask, seeing as that I haven't played since October.[/i][/b]

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                    • Lol I’ve been boycotting this shit game for over a month

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