Recently, I played through an Io Lost Sector: Sanctum Of Bones, ran through it aimlessly until I got to the boss, but then I stopped and took a closer look. The boss is a Taken Knight, named Pandrok, Pillar of Nothing.
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For those who pay close attention to trending lore topics, some will know of the mystery of “what is Nothing?”. It appears in many places in the lore, such as Calus, and The Nine. The thing in question here is Pandrok’s title,”Pillar of Nothing”. Could this “Nothing” be the same as is referenced by Calus, and The Nine? Or is it just a name?
This highlights one of my major frustrations with D2. Killing this enemy (and any other named Ultra) should unlock lore about it. Nothing fancy, even just a few sentences or flavor text level lore (though a complete grimoire entry would be the best). There is no context to any of these enemies. There is something to the term "Nothing". I could not recall ever hearing that term in D1, and can find multiple hits in D2. I think we might be witnessing the formal rebranding of the darkness to Nothing. Either that or bungie writers are watching too much Neverending Story....