Their physical address is:
[quote]Bungie 550 106th NE, Suite #207 Bellevue, WA 98004-5088[/quote]
I propose that we send them something [u]besides[/u] digital complaints that they can just [u]igno[url=]r[/url]e[/u]. Lets show them how our grandparents would make change [u]happen, in the real world[/u]! For less than 50 cents you can go buy a stamp, lick it, slap it on an envelope, thrown in some monopoly money, and send it to Bungie! Forget [u]pet[url=]i[/url]tions[/u], [u]boy[url=]c[/url]otts[/u], and online rage. They dont listen. Send them a real world message of what we [u]thin[url=]k[/url][/u] about corporate greed! Who is with me?
Mail them an envelope of monopoly money with [b]REMOVE EVERVERSE[/b] written on each one.
REMOVE REMOVEEVERVERSE For -blam!-s sake people have some common -blam!-ing sense. It's bungie. They WILL NOT listen, they WILL NOT respond, and you all have successful RUINED the tiny amount of connection that we did still have to them. You have killed this forum, and it's all for a lost cause that will lead to nothing but wasted time. So congradu-blam!-inglations dumbasses. Bungie will never remove eververse no matter how much you protest, bungie is a business and eververse makes them money, therefor, its here to stay and NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will change that. I must say I -blam!-ing APPLAUD the idiot who started this whole -blam!-ing thing, NOT ONCE have I seen something as stupid as this last as long as it has.