originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"Hey boss, Mac put a bet on the girl. Ten bucks says nobody talks to her today, you want in?" One of the pirates said to Booker, who chuckled. He put money on someone going over to speak to her, then to secure his win, he stood up and approached Gwen himself.
"A blue lady walks into a bar and hangs out alone, and a guy walks over. What do they talk about?" Booker jokingly asked as he walked on by. [/i]
She spoke in response, a rather superior tone, a careful and methodical slowness to her speech. "Nothing, unless the pirate has business with the woman."
[i]"Well damn, someone's a bîtch," Booker scowled, as he walked away from the woman and went back to his seat. He had made his money. [/i]
The blue woman went back to her solemn silence, taking a sip from the drink.