originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"Alrighty. Well if you want anything just tell me." [/i]
She stayed silent for a bit, then responded. "Show me how to rope?"
[i]"Whatnow? Penny I ain't a ra- Please tell me you said rope. I swear to Christ I will turn you into scrap metal otherwise." [/i]
She rolled her eyes then, slightly disappointed now. "Yes I said rope. And damn, with how you are I wouldn't be surprised."
[i]"What the -blam!- did you just say to me?" JT asked, clearly pissed. There was some shit you don't insult him on, and that was one of them. Penny crossed a line. [/i]
Her eyes narrowed at him, as she went silent for a moment. "I'll leave you be." She turned then, moving for the door to his house.
[i]"No, you listen the -blam!- up, you miserable little shit. I would [b]never[/b] do something that low, the fact your ungrateful ass thinks I would is -blam!-ing appalling. I swear, giving you free thought was a mistake." [/i]
She stopped then, facing the door, pausing for a moment to process what he said. After a moment of careful thought, she spoke, gesturing to the rifle on her back. "Then let me make that a reality." Suicide, that's what she meant. Now he had crossed a line in a sense.
[i]"Go for it." JT stopped giving a shit at this point. If she tried to die; JT knew how to bring her back. No matter the hell she felt, she couldn't die on his watch. [/i]
"I'm sorry, then. I didn't mean to say that, its a problem. One I wanted to ask you about. Guess that won't happen now." Ending on that note, she left him be then, closing the door quietly behind her, the area going silent as if waiting for the pop of a bullet, only none came.
[i]JT followed her out though. He was curious as to what she meant, and he wanted an answer. "Curious about what?" [/i]
She had been heading to the small house she had constructed, a small thing, roughly a good 3000 square feet, a shed seen in the backyard area. Although, when he spoke, she jumped, snapping to face him. "What?"
[i]"What were you curious about? The question is pretty clear." [/i]
She took a moment to gather her thoughts, trying to register JT's goal. Did he actually care? Or was he just probing for information. Either way, she would answer. "I have... A glitch, if you want to call it."
[i]"Alright, so I messed up. Can I fix it?" [/i]
"Not going to ask what it is, alright. I don't know. Might see someone else about it. Especially since you said you regret making me." She sat down then, dragging her knees up to her chin, resting her head on them as she wrapped her arms around her legs. Her tone was... Depressed. She knew what she said, but didn't mean it. JT wouldn't care though, she knew it.
[i]"Kid I said that because you've been nothing but an ass to me. By 'I regret you' I meant 'I could've made you with less fuxkups', and I messed up a lot of shit with you. Evident by the glitch." [/i]
She let out a sigh. Maybe he did care. "Do you even want to know what it is? No matter, I'll tell you anyways. Its a split in my personality, two sides to a coin. One is me, the one you're talking to right now. The other responds to aggression or signs of it, I can't register it because [i]it[/i] is [i]me[/i], I can never tell when it overrides and acts until after whatever happened, happened. Its why I left, well tried, since you followed me." She closed her eyes then, planting her forehead against her knees now, hiding her face.
[i]"Yeah that must've been my fuxkup. Want me to show you a trick I use when I get all assholy to people? Might help you." [/i]
"I want it fixed, not a diversion for it. Its already caused enough problems, like pissing you off." She let out a sigh. No, not a diversion, she wanted results. Not to have this abrasive side, not to have to blank and come back to someone trying to kill her.
[i]"Right. Want me to fix it here and now?" [/i]
She scoffed. "That's what made the glitch in the first place. No, you need actual tools, monitors. I'm not a laptop to be rebooted a million times over. You created me, JT. And I thank and respect you for that. But as your creation, do you even love me like a father would his daughter? Or do you resent me, enough to make me doubt my existence and the reason why I'm here."
[i]"Penny I've abandoned every single last kid I've ever had. Just let me work this whole creator thing out before I try to dad you. And yeah, I love you, obviously. Wouldn't make you otherwise." [/i]
She fell silent for the moment, an awful long time as she was in thought. Did she buy into it? Did she believe him? Yes, she did, speaking again finally. "That shed, there's a stairway to a vault. Super computer, work tables, armory, tools. Its all set up to my liking, the servers in the computer designed to communicate with me, and take my conscious if I ever 'die', and store it in a new body. I'll meet you there, biometrics will scan and let you in."
[i]"I don't have fingerprints or any flesh. You'll need to manually let me in." [/i]
"You really don't think I thought of that? I didn't word it right, but you get the point. I need a moment."