His job was to chase wildlife away from the airport runway. He literally saved people, and animals.
Ultimate good boy
Sleep tight pupper [spoiler]F[/spoiler]
Edited by sorinoscreens99: 1/7/2018 11:13:20 PMF[spoiler]rip pupper[/spoiler]
I wish I could be as half as cool as that dog :)
When a dog does more good than those twats you know thier human garbage. F
If you ask me is dogs go to Heaven, my answer is simple: "They better, 'cause if God's not letting them in, you think He'll admit us?"
Paul brothers need to be hacked and have their bank accounts depleted and then curb stomped.
[b]F[/b] for the best boy.
F. He's my cousin.
Fffffffffffffffd much respect
Edited by minifig13: 1/6/2018 4:37:25 AMWho are these people I've been hearing of? They sound like -blaming- @-holes!
What did the Jake kid do?
This is why dogs will always be better than cats.
He'll be in my next mixtape [spoiler]F.[/spoiler]
hydrogen bomb
bau bau - old
Edited by NickLambo: 1/5/2018 10:43:31 PM
Respect to this brave and heroic pupper, risking and losing his own for the persevering of the lives the innocent around him. F
Edited by dctjr: 1/5/2018 7:42:13 PM[b][i]F[/i][/b]