originally posted in:The New Dojo
She whispered back as the leader grabbed the money and gestured for his men to leave. They all lowered their weapons, muttering about "bullsh*t Dojo freaks".
[b]Theo would chuckle yet again, the amused look returning to his eyes. His hand was still outstretched, offering to help her up.[/b] “Well? Come on, you’re burning time.”
Silver grabbed his hand and used it to help herself up, brushing of her short dress. "Thank you, so much!"
“Oh, that little promise of yours is thanks enough for me. I don’t do charity work, as you’ve probably guessed. Now that we have some time, put your offer on the table.”
"Umm..." She nervously shifted a little. "Wh-What do you want exactly?"
“That all depends on what you can do, and what you’re willing to do.”
She let out a squeal. "I-I uhh....N-Name it. Name something and I'll say yes or no?"
“Material things. Those are top priority. I wanna see it in my hands and be able to use it. Money’s good too. Or if you know of any way to make my equipment better. Or anything else you can think of. I take nearly anything as payment.”
"Uhh....I don't really own anything, but my clothes and they're really not worth much." She shook in fear. "Please don't hurt me..."
[b]He rubs his temples with his thumb and forefinger, sighing.[/b] “So let me get this straight. You lied to me just so you would have a better chance at getting out of that situation? I was already on thin ice with those assholes, you would’ve gotten bailed out either way. There... Godsdammit girl. Now I’ve just wasted my time.”
"I have my aboilites, but you don't sound interested really...sorry." She gazed downwards. "I didn't mean to waste your time."
“What are your abilities exactly? I’m getting something out of this. Don’t care what.”
"I-I can let people vividly relive a memory, I can do that bullet blocking thing...kinda reliably, I can uhh make barriers, I can umm....I can teleport, but that takes a lot out of me if I do it too fast or too many times in a row and I need to be able to focus."
[b]He sighs even heavier, looking actually frustrated at this point. He looks back up at her, his eyes suddenly bright. He clearly had an idea.[/b] “I know what you can do. I want you to meet my little robot, and be friends with her. Maybe she’ll get off my ass if she has a friend.”
"Make a friend?" She asked, confused. "Sure? That's not too hard. I'm just glad you're not a man with a sick mind..."
“I have enough money to buy any woman I want, I wouldn’t have to ask you for something. I’d just have gone somewhere else. Follow me, I’ll lead you to my droid. Her name is Rian. It’s an acronym for some bullshit, I dunno.” [b]He began to walk off, a little deeper into Dojoville.[/b]
"Oh...that works, I guess." Silver was just happy she didn't have to as she followed behind.
[b]Eventually, they would reach a black cylindrical ship, and Theodynn would open the hatch.[/b] “Head on in.”
"Umm...not sure if I really trust walking into a random ship...sorry." She hesitated, getting nervous.
“She literally can’t leave. She’s hooked up to some computer in there and I can’t get her out. If I could’ve, I’d bring around my fancy ship. I’ll keep the hatch open the whole time. If you want, get somebody else you know to make sure I don’t close it or some shit.”
Silver sighed, walking in. "No, it's fine. I'll be forced to trust you, I guess."
“I just want her to stop getting on my ass every time I do something wrong. I thought the easiest way to do that would be get her a friend. If you can think of another way to do that, be my guest.”
"I don't know anything about this, so your guess is as good as mine."
“Then I guess we’re stuck with the friend thing. Like I said, you can go get someone to keep watch if you want.”
"Just show me where she is, please?" Silver looked around the ship.
[b]The ship wasn’t very big, there was just a cockpit and a space behind it, which held an elflike android hooked up to hundreds of cords. The droid would turn to face Silver.[/b] “[i]Who are you?[/i]”