"O-Oh...that's not good. Well, this place is known to be dangerous. Heh." She nervously chuckled.
“Do you mind if I stick around for a bit in case they come back”?
"Umm....I don't see why not. I doubt I'll be that entertaining though. Also, I doubt they'd instantly come after me again. They'll probably wait a few days, won't they?"
“That’s most likely true they probably won’t come immediately”. [b] The dragon transforms into a golden falcon[/b] “I’ll just watch over you like this”?
"Yeah, sure. Watch out though, there are a lot of hunters around here and they may shoot you down."
“I need not worry even in this form I keep the dragons original strength and protection”.
"Oh, that's useful actually. So, are you going to sit in this exact room and wait or...? I was hoping to sleep."
“I’ll go outside and wait I don’t need sleep anyway it’s not hibernation season yet”.
"That's...not how hibernation works, but okay." She waved goodbye. "See you later maybe."
“That was a joke but see you tomorrow”.
"See ya." She waited for him to leave.
[b] The bird leaves flys around to the hospital window and looks in it every once and a while to see if she is still... alive. He also had a suspicious feeling in his gut.[/b]
After a while the girl got up out of her bed. She took off the cloth the hospital gave her and redressed with the clothes she had been wearing before. It looked like she was going to leave.
[b]The bird watches to see if she would leave. Also she finds a pouch filled with gold coins on the nightstand.[/b]
Silver didn't take them, thinking it was someone elses. She wasn't a thief afterall. She did vanish from sight however, having teleported away. [spoiler]End.[/spoiler]
[b] The dragon mumbles a few choice words. reverts to his normal dragon form, and dropping the pouch of gold on a random homeless guy so he can become not homeless.[/b] [b] End[/b]