Think about it. They left Microsoft for the same reason they have with activision. All the stuff they are doing no company in their right mind would do. Theres no way this isnt on purpose like to say get out of a contract.
They change it in ways they must have known we wouldnt want. They ruin pvp and dont even attempt to fix it. Their employees like Deej obviously on stream dont even play or know anything about the game. They have to put out content based from comtract but what if it doesnt sell anymore or nearly enough...
I've thought this also, there are several examples of musicians doing same thing to get through contract. Example- linkin park, after the first 2( I believe) cd drops, they didn't like where the contract was taking them. They had to use less rapping etc. per the wishes of their masters. Their 3rd was an ok cd but any fan could tell they were off their normal path. As I heard it( could b wrong on extent or certain facts) , they went into a studio, and in 1 weekend made 3 CDs that fulfilled contract( they all basically flopped outside of some singles on each) After that they cane out with a solid cd etc. then of course tragedy. Either way they did it, so it's not so far fetched. D2 is fuuking bizarro world compared to D1.