originally posted in:The New Dojo
The wizard teleports backwards, creating a floating sword to attack her.
“Now once I Kill you, I’m sure one of our fighters would be interested in that sword of yours” the wizard said
[spoiler]the floating sword is magical and will attack you [/spoiler]
Suzume growls angrily. “You will never slay me, and should you attempt to steal my blade I shall cast you to the deepest depths of the darkest hell that exists!” Suzume rushes forwards, arcing her blade towards the floating one and engaging it in a flurry of violent strikes that were all absolutely unpredictable. The torrent of violent attacks never ceased, and the floating sword seemed to be taking a great deal of damage by this point.
“You shall fall, like the elf fighting me before you, and than the red wizards will destroy this land” the red wizard almost screamed [b]the floating sword strikes at your right viciously, and than at it strikes at your head [/b]
Suzume parries the blade’s strikes, then taking her chance, she carves straight through the sword’s hilt and separates the blade from the hilt, effectively destroying the sword and its usefulness. “I will not fall!”
“Yes you will” the red wizard said coldly. [b]while you where fighting the sword, the wizard launched a bolt of chain lightning at you [/b]
Suzume quickly slashes her sword at the bolt of chain lightning, and the blade glows blindingly bright as it sends a golden arc of light towards the chain lightning, and soon the two projectiles collided and dissipated in the air. “You deceive yourself.”
“You did not deal with me. You shall die” the wizard cast polymorph on himself turning into a horrid beast with fangs and many arms. It smiles wicked as it closes in to strike with its poison claws
[spoiler]My post is taking place after this one, so if you are referring to that, it’s after this.[/spoiler] Suzume steps back and smirks up at the foul beast before her. She sprints at the beast and hacks away at it, taking care not to stay within a radius in which it could attack her for very long. Eventually she feels her uchigatana begin to pulsate and hum with all the energy it has amassed, indicating that her special attack, Midare Setsugekka, was ready to be executed.
The wizard returns to normal form. “Bwhahahah” he laughs as he opens a gate. A demon walks out, two story’s tall with a sword longer than its body. “Kill her” the wizard screamed, as he started Limping away *eye of the gate lord starts playing in the background. The demon stars at the woman. His sword ready.
“This is unexpected, but not unwelcome. I do enjoy a challenge..” Suzume readies herself and focuses on the task at hand, drawing her blade up above her head and to the side at an angle, adjusting her stance so that she may be able to engage in an unpredictable manner.
The demon slams his sword down, tryout g to kill her then and there, fire spreads out around the ground where the demons sword struck
Suzume lowers her blade down to the fire, absorbing all of the flames that travel close to her, once she acquires enough energy within her blade, she rushes at the gargantuan beast, and begins hacking away at whatever flesh she could, preparing to unleash her deadly Midare Setsugekka attack.
The demon attempts to pick up the person of of his back and throw her to the ground
Suzume quickly traverses the monster’s back, hacking and slashing away at everything before she leaps up to the back of its neck. She then smirks and crouches down, bringing her blade out to the side and channeling all of the energy stored within it into one single, lethal and deadly slash. She then abruptly slashes at the back of the creature’s neck with all of her might, the blade metaphorically exploding with power as it collided with the beast’s fleshing.
Edited by Warlock Holmes: 1/7/2018 5:45:15 PMThe beast roars in pain. It’s body become fire, burning the person on top of it. And then it’s ashes fall to the ground
Suzume utilizes the small amount of energy remaining in her blade to construct a barrier of energy around herself, stabbing the blade down into the monster’s flesh as she does so for extra effect, sinking it deeper and deeper in an attempt to keep the flow of energy sustained.
The demon disappears, leaving her floating in the air, and then falling. The red wizard starts casting a spell
Suzume brings her sword up above her head as she falls, and she lands with a roll that breaks her fall. She then turns to face the wizard again, prepared for whatever he was planning.
A rift forms underneath her feat. Suddenly it erupts in a 30 foot beam of fire
Suzume feels the disturbance in the ground before it occurs, and her heart races as she feels the disturbance and gathers that a wall of flame was about to explode outwards from the ground. She quickly rolls out of the way, but her left arm still suffers a scorching burn from the flames. She rises to her feet again, now somewhat irritated.
The wizard shoots three beams of magic at her. Trying to end her
The female ronin clenches her grip on her blade, focusing on the three magical blasts and taking a deep breath, channeling all of her concentration into her next attack. She waits until the three blasts of magical energy were but a few feet from her before she brings her blade to the side and, in one quick slash sideways slash, slices the blasts of energy and dissipates them, her blade absorbing their energy yet again.
The wizard cast a cone of cold, surrounding her in frost and snow and cold.
Suzume takes a deep breath before the onslaught of cold assails her, and she channels what little energy she has remaining within her sword’s blade to construct a barrier around herself yet again, although his one was weaker than the last, and would not protect anywhere near as well.
Edited by Warlock Holmes: 1/7/2018 6:30:31 PMThe wizard pulled out a dagger and cut a little of his blood, preparing a spell
Suzume could only prepare herself for what was to come now, and she raised her blade yet again, mentally ready for whatever attacks he was readying now.