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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/8/2018 9:07:01 AM
[b]Mr. Creed/Dojo Complex/The Hallways[/b] "Are you sure you wanna do this? I've haven't fired a gun in years and even then it was just mandatory training." "[b]That I am sure of Daniel. Once you agreed to work with me and eventually some acquaintances you knew that this might happen.[/b]" The two men conversed with each other in one of the many hallways that littered the complex called The Dojo. The more reluctant of the two was pale as a ghost, wearing a plaid shirt and slacks with a neat pair of dark green, rectangular spectacles that matched his own eyes with a head of messy brunette hair. He was a rather skinny due to lack of exercise and a high metabolism. In his hands was a revolver clearly not meant for a man like him, a Mateba Autorevolver with .357 rounds. "I'm going to break my wrist shooting this thing!" "[b]Not if you hold it properly, like a man. Not a little girl.[/b]" The taller and more mysterious of the two said as he corrected Daniel's hands into a proper grip on the revolver. He was a mystery when compared to Daniel, choosing to wear a purely white three piece suit and dress shoes. His identity was obscured due to a gunmetal mask hiding about every part of his face besides his stark blue eyes. The mask was a human face, cold and expressionless as it stared at Daniel, a white hood hiding the mystery man's head. It was capable of inducing fear in the less courageous beings. It did not help Daniel in the slightest. Weapons had been hung up on the walls, ranging from spears to axes to even guns. This was going to be target practice. "[b]Aim for that hatchet on the wall.[/b]" The masked man told Daniel of which the more nervous of the two did. "...[b]FIRE![/b] Daniel had jumped from the sudden shout, pulling the trigger and missing the hatchet by a good 2 feet. The recoil forced him to drop the gun on the ground which had gotten a sigh from the masked man who picked up the gun. "[b]We're done here for today. I gotta get a drink...[/b]" "Bu-...okay." The masked man had went down one direct of the hallway, putting the revolver in his suit jacket. Daniel had went down to a room which had his named marked beside it. Inside the room was a multitude of monitors and computers, one corner being dedicated to making equipment. He did consider making this a business once but decided against it, due to the fact that everyone would just beg him to create insane gear. He loved a challenge like that...he just didn't want to do anything insane. However he did have to get Titanium for his most recent project, as one of the monitors reminded him. So he had decided to reach into his closet and bundled himself up in a thick sweater and a large blue wool coat paired with boots, two grey and black scarves and a ushanka. He exited the room and went outside to be greeted by a blizzard as he made his way to Dojoville [b]Dojoville[/b] The blizzard had died down, snow crunching underneath his feet as he looked around the rebuilt town, attempting to make out the correct shop. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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  • The engineer would feel a tough pat on the back by a man he had passed. The village was mostly empty due to the extremely cold conditions. However, one man was still out, looking for stragglers. He was in a rather large jacket with snow pants and a hat with a Pom Pom. He was a good three inches over the six foot mark, and had his clothes not been so comfortable, one would see that he had the muscles to match his height! His chin was rather square, though hat was covered by a thick red beard, and the dull green eyes. His thick black gloves and boots seemed to radiate with a low hum... Heaters? Either way, something else was much more prominent. Several leather straps secured a Zweihander to his back- supposedly he needed it due to the dangerous public. However despite the intimidating appearance, his attitude was quite the opposite. "The hèll are you doing out right now? You should be by a warm fire- maybe with a few friends! Name's Dale, Co-owner of the Good Knight's Night tavern. You should come on down we got free food for your first time there!" He had said this rather quickly, as if trying to fit it all in a short time frame, and afraid his "customer" would run away from the initial approach.

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  • Of course as soon as Dale had placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder, the more shorter of the two spun around. "Hey what the he-...llo." He said, now nervous due to the fact that a giant man who lugged around a Greatsword that was probably his own height was standing right in front of him. Daniel adjusted his glasses as he looked up to Dale. "Although a rather...kind offer you're giving me, I am on a business trip. I need to acquire Titanium, for I'm an engineer you see...well programmer, coder, mechanic, pretty much anything that involves technology I'm proficient at. You wouldn't happen to know where I can get some, would you?"

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  • "Titanium? Dunno why you're out in this weather for something like that, that can wait. What can't wait is you getting some good warmth. Besides, we get all sorts of customers, you might meet once with a cheap price for the stuff." Dale rubbed his gloves together with a heavy sigh, the mist curling quickly into the night freezing air. "Forgot to ask, you gotta name?"

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  • "It's Daniel. As for the reason I'm out here looking for a shop that has Titanium in a good quantity is for a contract. You see, in a zero-g environment like space it would be perfect to construct without things like gravity. However due to physics being a thing, I am making an exoskeleton that can easily move mass in space in a cost effective way without using too much fuel and such. But I'm probably boring you with this..." It was a half truth. Yes he did have a contract and yes it did involve an exoskeleton, but it was not for construction in zero-g. But he did not tell Dale this for the fear he'd just be asked repeatedly to make him something. "But uh...fine, I guess I'll go to this place of yours."

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  • "Zero... Ah, I'm not smart enough to know what that is, bud. Oh! But you'll love this place! Perfect to get the frost outta your brain." He pointed down a nearby street with a smile and laugh. Waving for Daniel to follow, he began to walk down the path. They were heading directly to a massive wooden tavern, with two floors and several brightly lit Windows. It seemed thee tavern was built on the remains of a tree, roots escaping from under it, in every direction. A large field of grass surrounded the place, where tables lined up, and people and fireflies danced about. Sparkles of various colors mixed with the air in a cheery celebration of life. Perhaps the most interesting part was the snow. The snow had completely avoided the tavern and the area around it! A magic of some kind. "See? I'm sure you'll find someone here for titanium if you need it."

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  • [b]Billhook Cleaners[/b] The sign was written in standard holographic letters above the store. A postmodern unit that didn't contrast too much with the surrounding buildings compared to the rest of the Dojo's outlandish structures and inhabitants. By its door was a man in his own simple winter coat, waiting like some gatekeeping mage in front of the store. Only, this wizard leaned on a crutch instead of a staff. Even Daniel could see it from the distance he was at.

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  • The bright holographic sign had caught his attention rather quickly, stopping in his tracks to try and process what the man was doing just standing out here. He presumably owned the place, might as well ask for directions to the nearest warehouse or something. Trudging through the snow, his glasses metal frames had bit to the touch on his face. [i]Should've went with plastics...[/i] he thought to himself as he finally approached the man at conversation distance and waved. "Er...Hello? You alive there?"

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  • The older man slowly perked up to Daniel's greeting. "A bit less than usual with all this cold, but Alice nonetheless. Come in, come in, it's quite chilly out here." Not even waiting for Daniel to respond, he paced over to the door, gesturing for him to follow before disappearing behind it. To any observer, he was either easily welcoming or in the early stages of senility.

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  • Daniel's mouth was agape as to say something but decided against it. With a simple shrug he followed the odd man inside the building. Taking a glance around the laundromat he looked at the man, presumably the owner. "Do you own this place Mr..." He said, hoping the man would follow up with an answer.

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  • Turning a full 360 with his crutch as a pivot, the man gave Daniel a mock salute, the entire gesture being rather energetic for a cripple. "Carrier," he said as he caught his breath, the feat still taking a toll on him, "Mason Cartier, owner of this here cleaning unit. And you are?" Even he couldn't hide his tone. The question was vestigial; pointless as he already knew Daniel from both the file Sam sent him in addition to his drones observing his shooting practice.

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 1/10/2018 12:27:12 AM
    The spin certainly raised an eyebrow, the heat was a godsend however. His once pink nose now fading into it's usual pale color as he basked in the glory of being inside once more. "I'm Daniel Creed...though I'm just called Daniel most of the time." He said with a convincing smile, though really it was just proper manners. "It's been colder than usual hasn't it? Normally I wouldn't come outside in conditions like this...[i]or much at all really.[/i]" He said, thinking the last bit to himself. Of course he did remember his original goal. Though procuring Titanium, not to mention hauling it would be a hassle. "You wouldn't happen to know anywhere that sells Titanium would you? Though I hear those people in knight armor sort of locked down most places."

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  • Freeing himself of his own winter gear, Mason undressed as he spoke to Daniel, revealing more and more of the man beneath the jacket: salt and pepper hair, fair skin and aging skin. "Titanium? This is a cleaning shop, my boy. What do you think?" He laughed, knowing full well his own answer to the question. "But people in knight armour?" he suddenly asked, "Wjo are they?"

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  • [i]Dammit.[/i] Daniel thought as he took off his ushanka, revealing his relatively messy hair. "Well everyone calls them The Trayvens, but I prefer to call them anti-tech assholes. Pardon my language. What they did as far as I know is stroll on in during a great blaze that affected this place, play the part of hero and now have a garrison with ballistae or something right at the front of this place. The Trayven's have this weird barrier that messes with electronics, though I've been hearing that it messed with one of those wizarding types as well." He explained the best he could to Mason, it was clear he was not fond of them. "Overall they're a bunch of people waving greatswords in knight armor who do not like technology. I was hoping they didn't mess with any of the metalworking shops, but who knows."

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  • Edited by Chinkronomicon: 1/11/2018 2:25:28 AM
    He cocked his eyebrow with intrigue. "You're the second person who's told me about these guys, actually. Although the other was a Guardian by the name of Mason Grey who was vaguer than an ancient prophecy. Tech-disablers... god knows that would be a nightmare for a place like this." Judging from the milling drones and autonomous cleaning units, he was right. The entire store seemed to run off of postmodern technology, a transparent disaster if the alleged anti-tech assholes came into contact with it. "So, Daniel, was it? Judging by the fact that our meeting looks like one by pure chance... you weren't told that you've been recommended by a friend of yours for a job here?"

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  • Daniel had remained silent for a moment as he failed to recall Samuel mentioning a laundromat. With a confused look on his face he had gave an answer. "I was told I had a job lined up that required my skill set, which is engineering, coding and all that stuff....but nothing about a laundromat. Was this friend named Samuel by any chance?" He asked Mason, Sam was always vague with this kind of stuff. He did mention a 'Mason' but Daniel presumed it was just a common name and didn't add 1 and 1 until now.

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  • "Don't think I know a Samuel," he said with a knowing wink, "but I do know an Apostate Landeythan. Apostates are kind of like the elite agents and assets in our organization. You'll pick up the lingo quick enough." For all of his talk, however, the laundromat still looked exactly just as it did. No walls shifted to reveal a Batcave or racks of weapons like the Matrix. No string yanked to pull back the curtains hiding dozens of technological wonders.

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  • "Apostate?" He said with a snort, almost unable to contain his laughter. The name Landeythan did ring a bell though, as Sam did briefly explain to him that he had to hide his identity due to faking his death when he asked about the creepy mask. He was the only person outside of the Valravyn's who knew he was indeed alive. Though [u]Apostate[/u] was certainly a new one. Daniel calmed down after a good minute, the humor wearing off. "Alright, alright. Apologies. But that's a pretty ridiculous name even for a guy who broods most of his time. So...let's say I agree. What's special about this place?"

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  • "Ah, not one for the propaganda are you?" Mason narrowed his eyes with an approving smile. "Good. That makes two of us. Plus, the administration is the one that comes up with this stuff. I'm just a humble cleaner." He stared directly into Daniel's eyes after that, making it [i]very[/i] clear he was more than just a humble cleaner. "No need to apologize either. I agree with you with these ridiculous code names. Even I have to have one for god's sake. Anyways... as for what's special about this place, you'll need to prove that you're right for the job first. Otherwise a bright light flashes and your memory is wiped. Here's a question: your enemy is equipped with a typical military exosuit. Think NTR or... Rubicon, I think they're called? Them. The typical super soldier cradle. What would you make to take them down?" His eyes had shifted from amusement to pure interest now. The fire of passion that Samuel saw in his meeting with Mason was in full effect now, not waiting one second for Daniel and immediately jumping into his element.

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  • "No I'm not if I'm going to be honest....wait what? You guys have some Men in Black shit?" He told Mason as he shut his eyes for a second, thinking of an answer. If he were still in the PMC he had worked for, he'd suggest something simple like a rail gun. But he had to play by The Dojo's rules now. Not to mention he was getting nervous about being mind-wiped. "That is a really general question. But I can provide an answer I think. Everyone overlooks one of the most basic of things on planets. Magnetism. In short I would create an electromagnet powerful enough to pull in any exosuited person, incapacitating them and possibly killing if the suit can't hold up to it. I'm a pretty damn good engineer, but I don't know if I can make one that can be portable enough just for on the go carrying. But...I'm not actually going to get mind wiped right?"

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  • "Not yet," he quickly replied, nodding with Daniel's answer, "you've only showed me that you're not stupid. You're right about a magnet that would be impossible to be that portable with that kind of power. But it's a start, lad." Drones descended from apertures in the ceiling and hovered over Mason, their lights boring into Daniel's own in intimidation. It seemed like they were threatening him with the aforementioned mind-wipe from earlier. "Now give me something portable. I have a squad of soldiers who's going up against the newest team of super-muscled genetic posterboys out there. They're armoured, we need something to get through that." His eyes narrowed again - this time out of suspicion. "And no, you're not allowed to suggest accelerated kinetic bombardment weapons." Could he read minds? No, it didn't seem like it. When he commented about railguns, it seemed more out of exasperated habit than clairvoyance.

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 1/15/2018 4:26:37 AM
    "Alright, alright...fuсk." He said as his eyes focused on the drones, his mind racing until he came up with something. While railguns and the such were out of the question, he came up with what he hoped to be a good answer. "Is collateral going to be an issue? Because there is a chemical weapon that can be used, it's some extremely nasty stuff that'll go through filters. Your men will have to get out of there ASAP when it's used though. Chlorine-Trifluoride. I had an...associate come to me asking for a weapon that could get rid of crowds easily. I suggested that chemical and he went on his merry way, last I heard he died. At least, that's what people said. If collateral will be an issue, there is a gun I was working on. A flechette rifle that is meant to tag enemies, or poison them. But I can tweak it to fire rounds that shut down energy shielding for a moment via EMP shock like that gel shit our acquantice uses, then fires an under barrel attachment that uses plasma-tipped stakes or something similar. Inspired by that one lady with the plasma bows during the tourney of course. Don't worry about acquiring Plasma though, I have my ways with it." He explained both, clearly nervous as hell now. Now it was the moment of truth.

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  • The cripple was quiet for a while, not hiding any of the emotion on his face as he sized up the idea. His forehead wrinkled in thought multiple times, brow furrowing in accordance with his due process. All the while, the drones hovered idly above Mason, lights not faltering once in intimidating Daniel. "You compensated for shielding, which was a nice addition. Good consideration of situation as well. Chlorine trifluoride... most would argue it simple, but I see it as quite effective. Your alternative is well enough. We already employ underbarrel weaponry and train our operatives as such, but thoroughness is never a sin." He waved his free hand, sending the drones away to join their brethren in maintenance. "A cut above the rest, for sure. You got the job, Daniel, but just know that if you ever decide to quit, I have access to some of the most effective chemical amnestics ever made. Gifts from a close friend of mine."

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  • Bump I feel like a peasant saying this

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