That's right! Everything this user has done in D1 and D2 has been without talking and this is a new record for this user in doing EoW twice, in a row, without even HEARING either, even if this user COULD, the group was foreign and this user didn't/doesn't (fluently) speaketh the language. Thanks frohgs, even tho yr names are not P e p e, yr if yuh could JUST REMOVEMACROHNIETHERTHCHYLDBANKSTER and kick out the EewwwUe....and UeewwN.
Poundsign reportd.
Yr muddr doesn't. beech get back in da kitchn.
I think we can all agree that we’re happy that you don’t use a mic.
BWAHAHAHAAHAH, it's not to be seen, it's not understandable, there's no reason for these trols to trol this user.
Would muting you be ironic?
Seen the title and zero up-votes and thought "Dang people are rough these days huh? So much hate! Maybe I'll up-vote..." Then read the body - deteriorated into WTF territory quickly... Then read the OP's responses to people - now I get it...
Square? Yeah, lotta squares on here troln mself for no reason.
Yehw shuld tell yr muddr thx for last nyt.
Likewize fa.
Muted af
You should go all out and stop typing too
Would report yehw stop the troln? Just trynuh let peepz know to calm down when bytchn at peepz for not havn a mic. OOOOH YEHW SUX SO MUCH YEHW CAN'T DO AN ACTIVITY WITHOUT ALL SIX MEMBERS WITH A MIC OOOH. Get gewd.
Keep harasn, keep getting reportd.
You can see the moment cells began to degrade.
Comment civilly and constructively or gt eff out. Reportd.
I think it's trying to communicate