Look people I played a good bit of D1 and a little D2 and im here to try and clear things up because quite frankly it is painful to watch people waste their time.
I cant be more clear they're done okay just accept it, we trusted bungie and tried to wait out the storm but it never stopped and still hasnt the game is just dead.
Unless the next changes are massive and great this series is finished.
With games like Monster Hunter Worlds, Pubg, DS1 Remastered, Warframe, and hell even Division theres just no good reason to stick around guys stop wasting your time I know you love this game and the original but you know what they say "If you love it let it go".
I really do hope bungie revives this dead game but if not just let it go friends.
Yeah the game's dead to people like you, l'm not insulting you i'm just saying, so yes the game's dead to YOU but what about the other players, some players hate destiny 2 and some players adore it, honestly if it's dead to you fair enough but don't tell other people to move on.