This may seem like a lonely gaurdian talking out to the void but I want to get my thoughts on this game out here.
I stopped playing Destiny 2 back in November and I didn't order the DLC when the game was first dropped. This was because we have all seen bungie do this before.
With "This week at Bungie" most the stuff they are putting back in the game was there when destiny 1 was around.
Destiny 1 to me had a lot of fond memories. I still have pictures on my Play Station 4 of my first raid when me and my friends ran out. Destiny 2 has been so bad a lot of my friends left the game and to me that is sad. I feel like Luke Smith and Bungie turned their back on their loyal fan base for money by shoving loot boxes down our throats. And putting content that we previous had behind a paywall.
I scratch my head on how anyone their thought it was a good idea to go backwards and make negative process. In my eyes the only good thing Bungie did for Destiny 2 was the story and having the lore in the game.
Honestly, I don't know if I'm coming back to the game. So, much has changed from when I really enjoyed the game.
I miss filling up the kiosks with all the sparrows
I miss having options to change my shader when ever I wanted
I miss the days of old when I could play my friends in rumble
I miss running heroic strikes and getting happy when I found that really special gun I wanted
Most Importantly I miss just playing with my friends who left this game
I come to these forums every once in a while to hear how my fellow gaurdians are doing, and when I do all I see is anger and pain. And it feels like the architects have left us. I miss the golden age it was you who brought the fall.
I don't know if I will be back to destiny..if I'm not it was a fun ride while it lasted.
Gaurdian JigsawJoe
Signing off
i'm not crying i swear ;(