Want to get a rough number for which way you guys are leaning. For me it'll be whether i decide to delete this game until the next "expansion" which i already paid for (yes like an idiot) or stick around.
Edit 1 - Out of the 4000+ that decided to vote, 3300+ agreed. Pretty obvious where the majority stands at this point. For all you staying, lol.
I read the whole thing multiple times. I asked myself the simple question - is this worth coming back for? I just can't do it. I'm not falling for it again. I did this with D2 and i'm not going to be disappointed again. Bungie are playing catch up. They expect people to wait, yet again, with D2? Maybe if you got it right the first time this wouldn't have happened. Had you not re-booted D2 and cobbled together what we got in 16 months then you could have made a proper sequel. But you didn't. You f--ked up it like you always do. You've had so many chances to get this right. All you're doing is adding old s--t back. Things that should have been in D2 at release. That's not something to be congratulated for. Your going to spend the whole of D2 trying to fix D2. I know it and everyone else knows it.