If I said exactly how to change Destiny 2 it wouldn't go trending because its too complex and has too many variables for people to upvote. Statistically speaking people don't want to read a long page and the more points someone makes the more chances people have of disliking a point. The more points people dislike, the more likely they will downvote.
If we are going to get Bungie to listen to anything than we need to all come together as a community and shove an idea in their face until they do something. Otherwise they just see a bunch of random requests and don't know if its really what the community wants.
Would you rather have me talked about all of this instead?
The weapon system of primary, special and heavy is put back into place.
Low rate of fire weapons now have the fastest TTK for crucible.
The low rate of fire fast TTK is assuming you land all criticals.
LMG’s Return
Movement system rebalance.
6v6 replaces 4v4.
All new maps will be slightly larger to account for 6v6.
HP regen has been slightly increased for all classes.
Learn all of the jumps from all of the classes by doing an exotic quest.
(Titans and hunters can blink, and warlocks can “titan skate”)
Grenades are buffed
All grenades can be destroyed by shooting at them (Pulse nades)
Hunter invisibility stops working as soon as damage is taken or whenever blink is used.
Resilience, and mobility have been buffed slightly buffed.
All strikes now have strike specific loot
Story mission specific loot for meditations
Meditations now give a large amount of faction tokens.
Levels no longer matter. The only thing that defines if you can get certain gear is if you have enough power or you can complete the certain activity in question. Normal activities and vendors will drop gear that has enough power to enter these activities. Then it becomes a staircase of doing each increasingly difficult activity to get higher power gear and so forth.
All of the XP levels you have completed now show where your old “Level” would show.
(EX: Level: 148 means you have leveled up the experience bar 148 times)
Each 25 XP levels will give a new icon of sorts next to the level like a prestige icon.
Faction reward tiers (Crucible, EDZ, Vanguard, Etc.): 10 ranks, 20 ranks, 30 ranks, Etc. Each tier will give a specific piece of loot only attained from that tier reward from that faction. Once rank 50 is reached a faction specific exotic quest is unlocked.
Doing the raid gives you a red embered head aura
Doing the prestige raid gives you a red flaming head aura
Completing a trials card gives you a blue embered head aura
Completing a flawless trials card gives you a blue flaming head aura
Doing the nightfall gives you a weekly 1.1x XP buff with a white embered head aura.
Doing the Prestige nightfall gives you a weekly 1.2x XP buff with white flaming head aura.
Old nightfall wipe mechanic returns.
Exotics are now much rarer to get from most sources.
More powerful, fun and unique exotics (Wardcliff coil, Merciless, Vex Mythoclast, Last word)
Perks are randomly rolled and more perks are available for each piece of gear.
Raid and trials gear gets 1 extra perk.
Each piece of raid gear has a unique perk that will be useful when completing the raid.
Armor and weapons now require XP to level up and unlock their perks.
(Won’t take too long, think one day of grinding to unlock all perks)
You can now do bounties for XP and reputation tokens.