<So when I came up with Sedna and the concept for the "double Dyson Sphere" thing I wanted to make each place have its own Mind. The final one doubling as the "Planetary Core" or "Nexus Mind" of Sedna.
So let's go down the list:
[b]Calypso, Keeper of Ogygia[/b]
Directly based off of the mythology Calypso from... a few Greek tales. Considering how I named everything in Sedna after places in the Odyssey, I will use that as a reference.
I designed Calypso mainly off of two things: Protheon and Sagira. You can see some resemblances in the facial area and even in the lower body region... or crotch. Protheon has a thing there and I j- yeah whatever it's just armor.
Like a Hydra or Harpy (or Ghost), Calypso will float around and will not be seen on the ground... not like the place I made Ogygia as has ground anyway. Chassis color is ruby red and the eye is bright blue. Like Calypso's role in the Odyssey, this one will keep you trapped whenever possible. This does mean a shit ton of detainment shields will be used, Argos-style so you can avoid them though.
[b]Alcinous, Keeper of Phaeacia[/b]
Ultra-powered Hydra, as large as Panoptes (so not quite Argos sized). Blue in color, red eye. The Mind will generally float around, sending you to different points in time on whatever place it wants. Deleting you from Phaeacia will result in you going to the surface of Sedna. However, choosing a time period to send you to will result in you being stuck there until some puzzle is completed.
I honestly just went with whatever when designing it... yay me.
[b]Odysseus, Keeper of Ithaca[/b]
The last Mind. I based him off... a few things.
One thing was Panoptes. The design on the thighs and arms and the general "floaty-ness" of him shows that. Panoptes was mainly a Hydra, but with Minotaur-like characteristics. I wanted Odysseus to be a Minotaur, but with Hydra-like characteristics... but then I just went crazy.
Ithaca is not a reality engine like Ogygia and Phaeacia, so no deleting you here. However, Odysseus comes with some interesting features...
I gave him an ability called the "Fate of the Suitors". This power involves him opening his face and revealing his eye. Unlike Panoptes, you can't damage the eye. In fact, the weakspot isn't even the eye, it's in the chest... more on that later. Anyway, the eye will follow you everywhere you go. It will constantly damage you until you are dead. The only way to stop it is to make him flinch... and that's where the weakspot comes in.
The weakspot in the chest seems like something that would be easy to hit... if he wasn't 15 stories tall and somehow insanely energetic. I made it so that when he's doing his ability, he hunches over, allowing you to shoot his weakspot from his back... Argos style. Raid bosses dude, they take some teamwork.
Anyway, I apologize for how rushed this may seem, both in drawing and in ideas. I did draw it in 5 minutes and most of Odysseus's powers I came up with an hour ago while recording music from the EDZ... I just finished Io so...
Imgur album (a whole one picture this time!)
https://imgur.com/a/Q65Gg >
Last resembles Crota.