originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Alright Knuckles, stop it with the references," Jade laughed.
Puma, the Ghost, appeared, with his iconic Taiyang voice, "Bad Knuckles. Leave my Guardian alone."
Knuckles floated back to Jade.
[i]"Saaaame." [/i]
"You guys are weird," Chase muttered. "Yeah, and you're a virgin," Jade argued.
[i]"Ooooh shit, she's got a point." [/i]
"I'm always in the worst situations," he muttered.
[i]"Well why not go fix your situation game?"[/i]
"Or I can leave," Chase sighed. "Whatever, pussý," Jade told him.
[i]"Yeah, come stay with the pûssies like a real man!" [/i]
Chase sighed, "I wonder what will happen next."
[i]"I dunno. Think of something." [/i]
"Damnit, where's a bartender?" Chase asked. "They don't serve coffee here, bud," Jade told him. "Of course not, this is a bar, might as well get something alcoholic," he shrugged. "Meg, is it possible to hallucenate with your ears?"
[i]"That's called a delusion, but yeah." [/i]
"I can't f**king believe what I'm hearing," Jade said. Chase kept calling for a baretender.
[i]Meghan laughed to herself and took a drink from her tequila. [/i]
"I'm gonna need a Margarita," Jade decided. "Watch, he's gonna take a liking to wine," Vanessa said.
[i]"I'll take another tequila," Meghan said as she finished hers off. [/i]
"Margarita," Jade ordered from bartender. Chase simply asked, "Give me one shot, of every alcohol you serve." The bartender sighed. "This will be interesting," Jade decided.
[i]"Dude you're gonna get hammered." [/i]
"Yeah, it he actually drinks them."