Just looking for a mature active group to play along with
We are a Ps4 UK and Europe based clan formed by year one Destiny players. We'd be happy to have you. For what it's worth my cofounder is a girly gamer so we have no issue with sexism or discrimination in the clan. "Centuries ago I thought the story of the Iron Lords was finished. I see now that it was waiting for the next chapter" - Tyra Karn THE IR0N L0RDS Clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=2898625 All communication is done through our dedicated Facebook group, so please request there also: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1071208192982623/ Rules: - Be friendly and relaxed. No rage quitting or bullying. - Be helpful to your fellow clan members whenever possible. - Remain active. Being active requires the following actions; 1. Post or comment in the group atleast once in a two week period. 2. Be online and complete your clan xp atleast once in a two week period. 3. Host or attend a clan event atleast once in a two week period.