I know Im not the only one.
Can I Suplex them?
Now I kinda wanna play it.
Is FFXIV any good? is it worth the monthly sub fee?
Ah darn'd it thaught this was FF15...
I am, but I know some people who don't raid or raid savage difficulty that is super salty.
Just started SB, tempted to level a second Job to about 65 before I continue so the EXP from the story doesn't go to waste. Somehow I ended up being level 70 halfway through Heavensward.
I could never get into that game. Way too repetitive for me. Super avid FF fan but I liked FFXI infinitely more in the MMO realm. I don’t think there’s been a great FF game since 12, and that was a loooooong time ago.
Not far enough along yet but Hell's yeah!
I'm still fairly new to the game. Only have a level 37 paladin. Still got tons to do, I'm guessing this is going to be an end game raid/dungeon? I'm still so far away... Lol