originally posted in:The New Dojo
The emu stopped their fighting eventually, moving so they were just out of the town.
A low voice called out as an old emu stepped forward, an old Australian military helmet upon its head and a cigar in its mouth.
"Damn, recruits have no idea what you're doing. You see a town and instantly begin to trample over everything in sight!"
With the Emus gone, temporarily, the Dojoville forces quickly reformed their ranks as Malcolm rode out on a horse, followed by several police men. Malcolm rode out of town, heading for the Generals location so that they might have a... Discussion.
"Oh sh*t, look at what you've done. You ruined a perfectly good town we could've used and now one of their idiotic leaders is riding over here. I hope you're all proud of yourselves!" The general turned to Malcom as he got closer, a look of annoyance on the birds face.
"Hello to you, Emu!" Malcolm said, bringing his horse to a halt alongside his guards. "I have come seeking the reason behind your senseless attack against our village!"
"Because that poor excuse of a village was in our damn way, that's why. Now, you hand over some guns and ammunition and we'll leave you be. Hell, maybe we can be friends if you're not always this obnoxious." The emu puffed its cigar, blowing a cloud of smoke at Malcom.
"You would have us provide you with supplies after you attacked our homes?" Malcolm asked with a tight smile. "Would you like some food supplies to accompany that? Maybe a few more boxes of cigars or something of the sort."
"It's a peace treaty, so yes. In return for a small donation of food, munitions, and weapons we'll even help with reconstruction and help provide some protection." The general emu swiftly replied, pacing back and forth now.
"You would have me provide you would weaponry that you could use against us? Do you expect us to believe you now that you've attacked our homes?" Malcolm's horse moved slightly, clearly growing restless.
"Hey, I didn't mean to. These dumb*sses didn't follow orders. They're not exactly...intelligent. Hey, no one died, right?"
"If you attack led us once, how can we be sure you won't do it again? Especially when you have new weaponry at your disposal?" Malcolm was right to be worried, given what had happened.
"Meh." The bird shrugged. "I'll have them better trained in a week. I can help you with a fence that'll keep the dumb ones out. The fence should fry them into a nice dinner for ya."
Malcolm was silent for a few minutes, seemingly thinking about what to do. "Very well. Before we provide you with any weaponry, you will help us rebuild anything you may have destroyed."
"Fine. Fine." The emu general rolled his eyes. "I'll have a few smart ones stay back and fix what they can."
"After our repairs are over, we'll see what we can do about trading you weaponry." Malcolm nodded his head, turning his horse around.
"Eh, might not be worth it....Got anything else?" The general yawned. "Maybe a single jet?"
"No, I cannot promise you a jet." Malcolm stopped, looking over his shoulder at the general.
"That's dumb. Aren't you in charge?" The older emu asked, puffing more smoke.
"Only partially." Malcolm turned his horse around to face the general once more. "Dojoville Militia doesn't even have any jets to use for themselves. It'd be impossible to grant you one."
"Bunch of... " The general trailed off. "I guess I'll do this one thing for ya."
"Then you have my thanks. Perhaps... This may be the start of something more." Malcolm concluded, turning around again and beginning to ride off.
"Doubt it, human." The general turned to his flightless bird brothers. "NOW! Run back to camp, maggots!"
[spoiler]End? [/spoiler]