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1/26/2018 7:28:50 AM

Finding a Raid Team is easily the most difficult part of doing the raid

Yeah, teaming up with randoms is a bad idea as you've got no guarantee whether they're good enough for the raid or not. That said, I honestly believe that a simple [i][b]OPTIONAL[/b][/i] matchmaking system would make raiding so much more bearable, as the amount of time it takes to get a fireteam together to even get started with the raid is such a pain in the ass and probably the number one reason why most players don't raid. To lessen the "randomers would ruin the game" aspect, I propose the following points when making a matchmaking system for raids: 1) If a player has completed the raid, then they can choose "only experienced players" as a matchmaking filter, meaning they only get matchmade with players who have also beaten the raid. There will be a separate option for Prestige mode, that can only be chosen by players who have beaten prestige mode. 2) If a player has completed the raid, they can also choose "attempting challenge" as a matchmaking filter, meaning they only get matchmade with players who are also attempting the challenge for that week. 2b) The Raid's current weekly challenge should be visible in the Director, and (in the case of the Leviathan) so should the name of the activity that's first in the rotation. 3) The system will automatically prioritise matching those with microphones plugged in with other players who also have microphones plugged in. I would also like to point out that Guided Games does NOT fix the problem at all, purely because of its heavy ties to the clan system (i.e. you can only guide people when you're with your clanmates, not friends you may have outside of the clan), and it being geared towards a group of people guiding a new player or two through the encounters (as opposed to a group of players on the same skill level just doing a normal raid run).

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