originally posted in:The New Dojo
He would end up waiting for hours, as the two where too busy brawling, landing hits on each other and the like.
Although after roughly three and a half hours, they slowed and stopped, laughing and giggling.
The khajiit soon passed out soon. The sword worked furiously on his wounds, but the sword isn’t a doctor, it’s a weapon. Made to hurt and not heal
She kept watching further, Evan losing interest and heading back towards the building.
The sword looks at the remaining soldier, it is trying to beg for help. It just stairs at the soldier and the khajiit. And than it falls to the ground, not moving a inch
He assaulted first, yet at the same time Minx felt terrible for it all. She wanted to help, but knew what would happen if she did; stern talking, prohibition for months, she's stepped out of line before, and at this point it wouldn't do her any good in the end.
The khajiit lays still, he is breathing, but dying [spoiler]YES! Sorry. I was doing what you do when a d&d character drops below 0 hit points. You have to role a d20 three times, if you succeed, you go to one hit point, but are unconscious. If you fail, well you die. I luckily succeeded [/spoiler]
She let the thing be then, turning around as the halberd melted back into the armor, leaving the cat be.