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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/30/2018 9:48:11 AM
[b]Stranger to All//://Dojo Woods[/b] [i]It had been hours since the man had risen from the ground and started wandering the snow covered woods, the fluff making a satisfying crunch underneath his boots. Snow had stuck to the olive drab cloak that had obscured his shriveled state as he made his way through the woods. It was ragged and torn at the bottom, clearly having been through years of wear and tear. He was freezing, even in the bundles of clothing underneath and the constant adjustments to them for maximum coverage. His left hand grasped a scepter, the hand wrapped in bandages spiraling up to the middle of his forearm, the rest of the arm exposed dark skin, possibly somewhere from a desert. The scepter itself was archaic, an ivory white and encrusted with small rubies, nearly as tall as the man himself. His journey across the woods had spooked birds, trees shaking and dropping more snow on the ground in small piles. His reasoning for arising from the dirt had been unknown to himself, all he could recall was blacking out and waking up underneath a shallow grave of dirt with the scepter in hands, a tool he used to slowly dig his way out. He was not completely undressed per say, having only tattered rags for clothing by the time he awoke. Fate had been on his side however, as he made his way through the woods he had found an abandoned hunters cabin with clothing, nothing else besides a bed however. Back in the present, a deer had danced its way through the woods, both the man and deer stopping in their tracks to stare at each other before the deer bolted off. The man was no tracker, it would be a fruitless endeavor to try and hunt it. He decided to make his way north, at least what he presumed to be north due to nearby moss on a tree. What had felt like another hour and voices were in earshot. Civilization. Finally! He immediately made a mad dash to the voices, now his boots thumping on the ground as he held the scepter with both hands. The snow had started to thin and then the sunlight had hit his eyes with blinding light, taking a few seconds to adjust to it. What he had found was a village that curved and twisted up to a mountain with a gigantic complex preceded by a long set of steps. What had caught the man's interest the most was the bizarre barrier, and all the knightly men and women roaming around. Just where the hell was he?[/i] [spoiler]Open! This is someone...special.[/spoiler]

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  • "You seem lost, friend!" The voice that called out to him came from the left. It belonged to a man with a [url=]pointy hat, and seemingly, no face. [/url] It was as if the clothes weren't being worn, but being held in place by something. With his staff in hand, he began waving it for the newcomer to edge closer. Either the look on the newcomer's face was an obvious curiosity, or there were more like him, new to the winding complex.

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 2/4/2018 3:38:54 PM
    [i]The cloaked man had turned his head to the left, gazing at the man as he failed to make his dry mouth less dry.[/i] "That I am, sir. Waking in a radically different place does that to you after all." [i]He said hoarsely with hints of something richer in his voice, like molasses. It was quite clear he was in bad shape with the thin appendages that held the scepter. The man was unremarkable in height, being only 6 feet and 1 inch. He took off the hood and fabric covering his face, revealing a somewhat young man with hazel eyes and dark skin, almost caramel in color. The wanderer lacked any hair on his scalp for it was shaven off, but he did have a full and bushy blаck beard that did not reach far from his chin. He of course accepted the stranger's invitation to come forward, using his scepter as a balance as he hobbled forward until he was at a respectable distance.[/i] "Do you happen to know where I am?"

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  • Upon reaching the stranger, it appeared that he was rather small, only about eight inches above five feet. However, the large hat made him much taller. Upon closer inspection, there truly was no person inside the clothes, only the black haze and a pair of glowing yellow eyes. "The Dojo, they call it. Where we are, Dojoville. Fascinating place, full of wondrous people, but also dangerous ones. The big dome over the village, it saps us of energy, and turns guns... 'Off'." As brief a run-down as he could. That said there wasn't much else he could supply. He himself was a newcomer in some ways.

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  • [i]He scratched his beard as he processed this information, the dome being the most worrying piece of information.[/i] "Hmm...that would pose an issue for those that rely on magic and the such to sustain life. This raises the question of who has authority over this place, and why would they set up that barrier right on the path to this 'Dojo'." [i]The Hoarse Man had dealt with dangerous men and women before, but someone with the ability to shut off most conventional methods was quite possibly up there on the most frightening if it were able to be a weapon.[/i]

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  • "Currently, I have no clue. From what I can gather, it's an army of sorts. [i]Trayvn[/i] they call themselves. Their law is strict, blindingly so. I've seen people beat close to death for stealing an apple. Luckily we're not thieves, are we?" The Mage let out a small, chuckle, but watched the man's face for a telltale reaction. He couldn't afford losing his gold again. "That said and done, my name is Julius, the Stardust Mage, and commander of the mobile fortress. Though admittedly, the fortress doesn't follow my commands that often."

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  • [i]The Hoarse Man let out a slight smile, while he was not a true thief he did have to take the clothes that were upon his back. It's not like the person would miss it anyways...[/i] "Iberhim, 'Flame of the Desert' from where I hail. A humble Mage like you, besides my specialty." [i]Iberhim was a pyromancer, and a great one at that. Unlike most he was not hot-headed, and he had managed to control the flames to a cutting torch on his fingertip which he demonstrated. Unlike most flames it was purely white with a blue outline, similar to a carbon-subnitride flame which went out within 3 seconds due to his fatigue.[/i] "I'm afraid I will not stay in this Dojoville for long if such a control-freak has the town under it's clutches. I will not be surprised if Mages like us start to get реrsecuted." [i]He said with a sigh as he closed his hand, bringing it under his cloak.[/i] "But a moving fortress you say? How...interesting."

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  • "Indeed. I keep him out of the domes, I fear for his life. He is a being made alive by my magic, given personality and an identity. A moving castle of a man, over 200 feet tall." The Mage gestured to the domes with a shrug. "I'm afraid my enchantment will wear off inside the dome. But alas, there is little but introductions left to say! I am Julius, the Stardust Mage. Brilliant spectacles of light, as hot as the flame in your hand! That said, you are right. Staying here for too long might render me under attack. An uncertain future it seems."

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  • [i]The majority of the Trayvens seemed rather ignorant of his arrival for the time, fortunate or not, instead caught up with their own patrols or operations. Carriages and large, militaristic vehicles drove down the streets of the rebuilt city, string music breaking through the air and drums beating through the clearings. Though the occasional passerby would bow their head to him, saying[/i] "Sir" [i]or[/i] "M'lord" [i]- they seemed to be loyal to a respectful cause to some degree, or at least attempted at it.[/i] [i]Yet fire and smoke could be smelled, in the scent of the whisking air. It was.. close, close to the dome.[/i]

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  • [i]Golden lions...purple...perhaps some sort of empire had made its ground here. The Man merely nodded back due to politeness, not saying anything due to his parched throat. The scepter tapped on the ground with every other step as he used it to keep himself straight up. His cloak billowed in the mountainous winds, using his free hand to keep the hood on. The wind had blown the smell to his direction, a bonfire perhaps? It was bizarrely nostalgic watching the vehicles and mere foot soldiers of a time before the automobile was even made work together in harmony. He was reminded of his home, before he awoke here. Tightening his grip on the staff he made his way over to the plume of smoke rising, perhaps he could find someone to talk to.[/i]

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  • [i]The plume of smoke lead to a stage. The stage was only revealed to have four poles, three burnt bodies, and one individual looking up at it.[/i] [i]The remnants of flame left the bodies of the charred, smoke bellowing from the remains of the poles. The previous beings were literally indistinguishable, in their burnt, smoldered state. They were but shells, blackened entirely by the touch of flame.[/i] [i]The individual that looked upon the looming stage appeared to be bound to the rusty wheelchair that she sat within, her head looking up with an expression of evident distress. She was redheaded and thin, previously bearing a certain athleticism, now transformed into a skinny form. Light orange eyes stared at the bodies, ignorant of the man nearby.[/i]

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  • [i]The man was almost appalled by this act of barbarism upon the stage. His expression hidden by the cloak's fabric covering his face, hazel eyes were barely made out if anyone had bothered to look. He speed walked over to the young lady confined in the wheelchair, gaining some sort of strength in his legs that allowed him to walk with the staff every few steps now, stopping only beside her. The man took off his hood and facemask, revealing a young man with skin fit for a desert. His eyes had bags underneath, crows feet at the edges. He had no hair on his head save for the full beard, the man's mouth slightly agape as if to say something.[/i] "Excuse me, Miss? May I know what is happening upon that stage?" [i]He asked her in a polite but hoarse, turning his head to look at her. The voice had hints of something richer, like molasses. A handsome voice, if it were not for the hoarseness.[/i]

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  • "An act of Trayven justice.. Forgive me, sir. I've been.. out of the loop, I could say. Injuries being inflicted upon my being and all." [i]The redheaded woman shifted in her rusty old seat then, looking up at the individual whom had come to greet her and questioned the three bodies upon the smoldering pyres.[/i] "Each of them committed crimes against this unlawful city. One took two lives after a drug deal gone wrong. One rаped a noblewoman and beat her and her husband to near death before robbing their home. And one was a traitor and threatened the safety of the people. Forgive me if I sound biased, I.. am a Trayven myself. Freya Trayven, at your service."

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 2/1/2018 10:30:13 AM
    [i]The Hoarse Man watched the flames on stage, their reflection visible in his eyes. He listened intently and turned on his heel to face her, the boot scraping on the ground as he did so. A name had floated into his thoughts, his own name.[/i] "Iberhim, 'Flame of the Desert' in your tongue. A humble name, it carries not much unlike yours." [i]Iberhim had told the Trayven with crossed legs, his right hand sticking out and his left over his heart as he bowed.[/i] "I too suffer from being 'out of the loop' as you call it. Being buried alive and arising in an unfamiliar locale does that to one." [i]He spoke with honesty, caring not to hide much. The man gripped his scepter as he turned once more to face the charred criminals.[/i] "I do not pity those people, the punishment is just. Tell me Madam, why do you carry a name of what I can presume to be great power here, yet you are stuck in a wheelchair not fit for one such as yourself? I believe you deserve to get something more comfortable at the very least."

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  • "My name carries nothing, only my actions carry weight. And.. this has been the first day that I've been awake. My eyes fluttered open to greet my sister, seizing power.. my lover, returned from journeys abroad, and death by fire." [i]The Trayven woman would brush her thin hands together as she would then turn her gaze to the man who stood taller than her, no surprise there. She would bow her head still. Something of a polite courtesy, or act.[/i] "Perhaps we are both alike. Out of the loop and all. Though my comfort is.. sustained, I suppose. Thank you for showing care for one such as I, however. Though.. buried alive? Forgive me for my naivety, sir.. but I would hope that those individuals are long gone?"

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  • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 2/3/2018 1:01:58 PM
    "If you say you are comfortable, then I believe you. You are welcome." [i]He said with a turn to face the crippled lady with a slight smile, though it most likely went unnoticed due to the beard.[/i] "No apology is necessary Miss Freya. For I too wonder if they have gotten what they needed... though it is odd in a way. This scepter was made with ivory from an elephant tusk, pure rubies mark this tool. I am quite surprised they did not take it for themselves and sold it." [i]He cаressed the scepter with his free hand, feeling each groove purely out of boredom. The scepter had many practical uses and had served Iberhim over the years, he was quite fond of it.[/i] "Perhaps it is for the best they did not take it, otherwise I would have not made it through those chilling woods with it acting as a crutch. I hope you and your beloved have reconnected since then, you must have been out for quite some time for a sibling to assume leadership. Granted I know very little about Trayven so I cannot comment on that, forgive me if I am wrong about that."

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