"That's personal. Go away."
"Okay... you don't need to be so demanding. You could just, say, [i]Hey, dude. That's personal. Don't ask again.[/i] Cause, that works too." The kid took another bite out of his apple. He started talking to himself, "So where should my next food fight be?"
"go away" She said, mot being in the mood to deal with it.
"I'm staying right here, and I'm going to eat. You can leave, whenever, and not deal with me."
"I was here first. The staff can remove you if you don't leave"
"Fine. I'll leave. But you're rude. You are [i]definitely[/i] going to caught up in my next food fight," he said, leaving.
"Try me" She said, huffing as she went back to minding her business