[spoiler]PLAYER THREE JOINS THE GAME[/spoiler]
[i]A flap like massive wings was the only warning the Khajiit got.
A form came dashing from the side and to the man's right, a smirk on unseen lips, a six-and-a-half feet long spear poised at him, the foot long tip of solid metal aimed to ram through flesh, bone, and straight through the heart.
Samantha would recognise the flying shape as someone she had already met -- namely, her fellow knightess, Eredrin.
Four mighty wings were furled up in the simply clothed female's back, folded closely to herself, the dark brown feathers fluttering in the sharp wind as she fell from the sky at a soft angle. Her speed was ineffably great, her form little more than a blur, face and head protected by a helmet shaped like an eagle's head, smithed from gunmetal grey steel, the retinal lenses a soft green.
The spear itself was, as already stated, six-and-a-half feet in length, an entire foot dedicated to the tip, which took a cruciform shape, the foot-long, pointed, razor-sharp blade sticking out from what could be considered a guard, two pieces of steel jutting four inches out to the sides, the bland metal inlaid with runes and depictions of lightning. The wooden staff was reinforced with metal and wrapped in leather where the woman would grip it, the oak barely even visible. At her left hip, she wore the hard leather scabbard of a simplistic sword, the thing about three feet in length, only the cruciform guard of steel and leather-wrapped hilt with the oblate spherical pommel visible.
Accompanying the angel's fall was a crackle of thunder from an unseen storm, booming across Dojoville.[/i]
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