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Edited by One_Punch_Titan: 2/1/2018 4:27:25 PM


I am going into WAY to many matches as a solo player and getting teams of full clanmates or partial teams when I am on a full team of SOLO players. Wtf bungie seriously. There is no communication between solos and little to no team dynamic. Go over your numbers. How many matches do solo players win against a clan? I'll bet it's close to none. I understand the complications with matchmaking but this is absolutely ridiculous. There has to be enough solo players and players in fire teams to match make properly. Two teams of 2 against a team of 4 or even 3 and 1 is infinitely better than 4 people who've never seen or played with each other going up against a team that ways plays together. I will ALWAYS, leave these matches. I don't care if I'm paired with the best d2 player alive and were against a team of 5 year olds. If I see that many alike clan names against solo me, I'm gone. And if it comes to a point that I get penalized for leaving a match your team can get right, I will finally leave destiny for good. That's my last straw. So, get your stuff straight. This is dumb.

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