originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"Uh, yes sir," Adrien said, stuffing his phone back into his pocket and taking back his ID, which had been his currently useless drivers license. He made his way over to the main hall by asking directions a few times, and upon entering he searched for who would give him his gear. [/i]
A line was seen, short at the moment, the words above reading "Registry". Three windows seen and taken, and two people in the line waiting.
[i]Adrien approached the shortest of the lines and stood behind the last person in it, where he waited for it to move up. [/i]
It took a good bit, but shortly he found himself filling out all the needed paperwork, ranging from basic information to extended family, health and any afflictions, and other similar needed info.
[i]Adrien filled out the form rather quickly, though there were a few things that took a minute to write out. He handed it back to the person at the counter. [/i]
A brief inspection went over, files being created and saved, things cross referenced. After a few more minutes, the clerk returned, and handed him a few papers, instructions and one to give to the armory.
[i]"Thanks," Adrien said as he took the papers, giving them a brief look. He got out of the line and went down to the armoury, figuring he'd get that out of the way first. [/i]
Once there, he found a man with a beard, tweaking with a rifle who then looked up to Adrian. "Buyin' or here for a special order?" He furrowed his brow then, trying to get a read on Adrian. The weaponsmith always did so, to know how to gear a person.
[i]"I've got a paper here for you," Adrien said. He was straight to the point with it, and held the paper out to the bearded fella. [/i]
He took it then, letting out a gruff noise then as she recognized it. He spoke in his rough, gravely voice then. "Now, this armor is good, but not the greatest. These irons you wear with pride, since your serving a cause bigger than you realize. Your a soldier now, son. Do you know why our insignia is a bear?" He stood, walking into the room that he worked in, a few clanks heard as he was retrieving the gear.
[i]"To identify your troops since the other local group is a lion?" Adrien inquired. He figured it was the most logical reason he had for it - Surely other space nation's back home had a bear insignia, so maybe it was this fleet's custom one. [/i]
"Wrong. Because we're a powerful force to be reckoned with, we're big, mean, and a terrifying sight, just like a bear." He stepped back into sight then setting down a full body suit, then pulling armor, looking thick and heavy, full by armor. Then a helmet, full cover with a visor.
[i]"Alright, a pretty good reason then." Adrien looked over the armour and took a look at the instructions for where he was to go next. [/i]
"Hold on, son. Don't get jumpy." He ducked again, setting down a rifle and a pistol, both with a few extra magazines. "These are yours. Keep them clean. Without your rifle, you are nothing. Without you, your rifle is nothing. Remember that." The list then had a number for his barracks room then, a place for him to stay in.
[i]"Alright, thank you sir. Do I put the armour on here, or...?" Adrien asked, looking over both the guns and the suit. He knew he wouldn't be able to carry it all at once, so his best bet was putting it on. [/i]
"If you want." He gestured to do whatever then.
[i]Adrien slipped the armour on overtop his jeans and blue tee shirt, though he held the sweater in his hands, having wrapped the rifle and magazines with it for carrying. He thanked the Quartermaster one last time before he went over to the barracks, and the place he was assigned. [/i]
He found himself on the third floor, four doors down on the right from the stairway. Room E-9. Inside, it was dull, but was suitable loving conditions. A key on a desk, a chair, and a bed.
[i] Adrien sighed in relief upon seeing that he wouldn't be bunking with twenty others like in barracks back home. He set his rifle down on the chair with his pistol, and sat down on the bed, reading what was next up on the list of instructions. [/i]
He had basic at 0700 the next morning, followed by drills, a more training, lunch, a break, and basic again. Most likely training varied, but he was left to wonder. Minx had yet to be seen however.
[i]Adrien set the paper on the pillow and took his phone from the sweater. He assumed there was a bit of free time tonight, so he checked the time to see how long he had left in the day. [/i]
He found he had roughly four hours before dark.
[i]"Probably good to get familiar with this place..." Adrien monologued, though he promptly hushed up when he realized he was talking to himself like a madman. He stood up then and grabbed his pistol and rifle, slipping the first into a holster. He started to wander the halls then. [/i]
A thought flashed across his mind that it may not be the best idea to walk around with the rifle with him, but it was optional. The main barracks where what they would usually be; a place for soldiers to stay, temporary quarters until something arises and they head out.
[i]Adrien tossed the rifle onto the bed in his room then resumed wandering. He thought it strange that he wasn't put in the main barracks like everyone else, although he most definitely didn't complain about it. [/i]
Most likely the one he was in was for newer recruits or lower ranks. With what he found in his current barracks, he had other options, the training yards, obstacle courses, mess hall and a few other places.