originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]"Huh. Do they surrender, or is it a shoot-on-sight thing for us?" [/i]
"Take prisoners, Trayve does what they want with the surviving members. We don't intervene, since it was their war that we helped in."
[i]"Alright, so where do i bring prisoners?" [/i]
"An officer will do that, just get them to any of your commanders and they'll handle it."
[i]"Alright, sounds simple enough." [/i]
She nodded then, having a few more questions. "How good is your aim?"
[i]"Depends on whether or not the target is moving. I wa pretty good with a paintball gun as a kid, but I don't know about with guns." [/i]
She raised her arms then, gesturing to go for it. Obviously she meant to put him to the test now, most likely the armor could handle whatever was thrown at it.
[i]"What, do you want me to shoot you? While literally nobody else in the yard knows that it's staged, in front of scientists that spent a while working on it who may need to repair any accidents? I think I'll stick to a target." Adrien did have a point - Even with the armour, it still posed a bit of a risk for him to draw his pistol and fire on Minx. [/i]
She shrugged. "The armor can take it, its already been tested. Plus what better thing than an actual human target. If not, range is the next area over."
[i]"Yeah, though I'd still like to avoid getting a reputation as 'The guy who tried to shoot the hot Valkyrie' on my first day." Adrien went over to the range and positioned himself in an empty firing stall, one situated between two other free ones. He drew his pistol quickly after getting into a proper stance, and proceeded to line up the headshots for several targets. Most of his shots, oddly enough, were pretty accurate and embedded themselves in the wooden targets, and his trigger finger was pretty quick. [/i]
A few minutes went by as Minx finished the tests, and the scientists white satisfied. With that done, she joined him, still decked in the armor.
[i] Adrien somehow haf bullets left, and went through a magazine as she arrived. [/i]
She grinned under the helmet, watching him as fiddled with the armor a bit.
[i]Adrien holstered the pistol a second later and looked around, eventually realizing Minx was there. He smiled a little bit as he thought of a fitting joke. "Jesus, which of us is the stalkerish one now?" [/i]
She looked up at him from a holographic interface on her gauntlet. "Didn't want to startle you is all."
[i]"Well thanks, though it couldn't have done me any worse in the shooting." [/i]
She shrugged. "You'd be surprised actually."
[i]"What do you mean?" [/i]
"People are idiots at times, easiest way to describe it."
[i]"Very true. Especially those dudes wearing knight armour in the city." [/i]
"Yeah, they are.... Special. Most haven't seen an actual gun." She shrugged. "Some gawk at my armor and yell blasphemy."
[i]"I had one guy call me a heretic for using a phone." [/i]
"Sounds about right, welcome to Tatakai. You tend to learn to tune it all out."
[i]"Damn do I hope."[/i]
She nodded then. "So, see your not that bad of a shot."