This is not an ordinary clan recruitment post, for we are not an ordinary clan. Do you find that even with almost 100 members in your current clan, none of your clanmates are on? Have you had the unpleasant experience of having your clan max out, and more people just want to keep joining? Maybe your clan's environment isn't what you were looking for, but you didn't want to lose the friends and connections you made?
We're here to fix those problems.
We are the Trinary Light Alliance.
In short, Trinary Light Alliance is an unofficial guild of clans, whose each individual members will be allies to many others. When one clan doesn't have enough members to play through a full Raid on, you can count on one of the other clan members for allies. When one clan is overfilling, they can recommend new members to join one of the other clans with less ranks. We connect people to several Groups as well to discuss things ranging from gameplay tactics, creations, game lore, and more. We're here to build a larger community than any you might have seen before.
Any clan and their members are allowed to join the alliance, with their founders and admins having a seat in our group so long as they promote the alliance's values: compliance with the code of conduct, openness to new members, and community-driven treatment of others looking to help and have fun. If you wish to have your clan join, post in the comments below or have your founder contact me and we'll admit you into Trinary Light's group.
We now have a Discord presence in one of our member's servers! Follow the link below and ask to be a part of TLA's staff or administration, and connect with allies across different clans and platforms.
[url=]Celestial Gaming[/url]
Here are our current allies:
Born from the famous Destiny 1 Group/Clan, the Ashen Conflux is full of explorers looking to gather and disseminate the hidden lore and information in the game. Their clan is currently closed to new members. If you're on either PS4 or Xbox, get in touch with me and I can connect you to one of their admins or help you find another clan.
[url=]The Ashen Conflux Group[/url]
The Ashen Conflux Clan
The Destiny Fiction Producers are a large and popular Group of avid and inspired fanfiction writers who take Destiny's story and make it their own. They have an XBOX clan in need of more, creative members. They've also created a new Discord server to circumvent any companion app problems, and are looking for members both old and new.
[url=]Destiny Fiction Producers[/url]
[url=]Destiny Fiction Producers Clan[/url]
[url=]Destiny Fiction Producers Discord[/url]
Minotaur on the Left is a fun-loving clan of mostly relaxed and casual players who enjoy hanging out with each other, but when something tough needs to get done or people need to play serious, they are able to rise to the occasion. They are a PSN clan.
[url=]Minotaur on the Left[/url]
The Stars of Alpha Lupi is an organization of very creative individuals with ties to various creative media: writing, art, film-making, and music. They possess a Discord presence as well, and their clan, the Lupus Constellation, has chapters on each console. Their PSN chapter is almost full to capacity, but their PC chapter is currently their youngest, looking for avid PC gamers and their friends to fill their ranks.
[url=]Stars of Alpha Lupi[/url]
[url=]Lupus Constellation PSN[/url]
[url=]Lupus Constellation XBX[/url]
[url=]Lupus Constellation PC[/url]
[url=]Stars of Alpha Lupi Discord[/url]
SIXTH SUN is for tougher gamers, focusing on Endgame content like raids and Trials of the Nine. As a result, they accept only active members with a K/D ratio of at least 1.0 and who have completed a minimum of 5 raids.
[url=]SIXTH SUN[/url]
CelestialDragons are a tight-knit group of gamers based in the Discord server mentioned above. They are mostly PC players who've already filled a clan to capacity and had to expand into a second. While the original is PC only, 2.0 has been accepting console members.
[url=]CelestialDragons 2.0[/url]
TL;DR: The Trinary Light Alliance is a group of allied clans who are open to admitting more clans. Here are some of our current members:
The Ashen Conflux
[url=]SIXTH SUN[/url]
[url=]CelestialDragons 2.0[/url]
[url=]Destiny Fiction Producers[/url]
[url=]Lupus Constellation XBX[/url]
[url=]Minotaur on the Left[/url]
[url=]Lupus Constellation PSN[/url]
[url=]Lupus Constellation PC[/url]
OK I obviously misjudged this seems like a great idea.
this honestly looks like a dating site for destiny players. Don't be alone on crimson days.
Hi, I am looking for a clan that is more into not only pvp but also pve.
Hey. I am searching for a Clan that has its focus on Trials and Raids. That Raids often and that can help the members maybe get to flawless or 7 wins each weekend. In return i can be a helping hand whenever someone needs help.
Adult, active D2 player looking to include end game fun. So far 1 raid and no trials. Would like to join your active clan... Thanks
Edited by Cabababall: 2/3/2018 4:15:42 AMIs there a minimum amount of players needed in your clan in order to join the group? I've got a... well, 1 member clan (it's me; forever alone)... that would like to join the alliance. Also, bump.
Send me an invite please!
How can I join
I'm looking for a clan to enjoy raid content with. I enjoy the game, regardless of its flaws, and play about 10 to 12 hours a week I'd say. Please let me know how I go about getting an invite.
I would like to join the Alliance :) if possible.
This deserves a bump Anyone who’s interested in the lore of Destiny, reading or writing Destiny fanfictions, and/or creating or viewing the artwork and videos of our community members should join up into these Groups and Clans! We’ve got a lot of friendly and active people, and many from around the world so at any hour you can find someone awake a rating to go!
Fal bump.
Edited by orangeDNA_: 2/2/2018 11:59:59 PMBump!