originally posted in:The New Dojo
She glared at it from behind the visor of her helmet, and slowly let it free.
The scorpion continued up her armor until it eventually landed near the center of her waist, where it stopped. It then sprung to her revolver and made itself comfortable there.
She glanced sideways at it then, why not just the armor? Her armor in general was a weapon, able to make anything really. But, she didn't question the weird tech.
It proceeded to nuzzle within her revolver for the time being, seemingly allowing itself to rest without protest. Around her were the corpses of both the original Sasword and the ashes of the ZECT-Troopers around her.
Letting out a sigh, she salvaged what she could from the situation, calling in a clean up crew over the encrypted channel she used. Everything worth keeping she left in a pile, for the eggheads to pick over and see.
The scorpion looked back to where the dead body used to be, clearly sad for its original owner’s loss. The scorpion, however, turned to it’s new master’s face, looking at Minx like it had a new owner.
Minx's face was hidden under the helmet she wore, although she did shift her head to look down t it. She seemed fine with it.
It proceeded to snuggle back into the revolver, content with its new owner... [spoiler]End? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]I guess so[/spoiler]