originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Recently got back into D2, finished the base game (not downloaded the DLC yet), looking for a clan to join to complete the raids, strikes and crucible. (Casually)
My GT is Crxwdy, send me a message if you're looking for more members!
https://youtu.be/T44U0aTh90o If u want to join: The whole process is as follows: Goto http://www.xallegiancex.com , scroll down midway , choose the game of your choice ( Destiny or Fortnite ) choose your console , then you will see 7 globes labeled with regions , pick the region you live. That should take u to your division then request to join .. 2. Register ( http://www.xallegiancex.com/register ) , to the website to create a profile, when you receive the activation email, activate account then proceed to step 3. 3. Complete an Application Form to gain full access the website. ( Copy & Paste questions in white box then answer them. ) Destiny - ( http://www.xallegiancex.com/recruitment/168854#force ) Fortnite ( http://www.xallegiancex.com/recruitment/175744#force ) Website is the key to being active, it's where u join events, submit event request, help forums, news updates, and chat box, activity on website gets discord access. ( site is a little slow so have patience , new site is launching midway 2018 ) Once your a full member here's a link to our news thread. Get caught up if you like.. I always say “more knowledge can never hurt” http://www.xallegiancex.com/news-archive#