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2/6/2018 4:36:27 PM

Destiny 2.5 - Make me care about this game

[i]In the days after the Cataclysm, after the traveler had given its life to save them all, the last residents of Earth found themselves in the Last Safe City. Life cannot be stopped and under the protection of the Guardians, life flourished anew. Then came the Cabal. They decimated Earth once again. Growth… became something from the past. Only Survival, Fighting, and War mattered for a time. But all comes to pass. Now that the greatest threat has been repulsed by the Guardians, the residents of Earth have a chance to start anew…. As a Guardian your position in this world is unique. The Last City, Earth, and the Solar System require your protection. But you, like us all, are a resident of this world. Before the Cabal invasion you had hopes and dreams of your own. Though you must now serve as Guardian and protector, those dreams have not died. With the Cabal invasion beaten back, we ask that you help in a new endeavor. Guardians are asked to take on responsibility for an outpost. A place where new life can begin. Many Guardians choose to protect and nurture a place they once called home. Others choose to go where the need is the greatest. Whatever your choice, the fight is not over…. [/i] In Destiny 2.5, during character creation, users are asked to add a little bit of information about their backstory. Where did their ancestors come from? What was their occupation before becoming a Guardian? What were they interested in? Did they have friends? Did they have family? Users can create a character that is anything from wildly different from their own life to something that closely resembles their own past. When the campaign is complete, those back-story choices are used to create their outpost. This outpost is populated by a handful of NPC’s and maybe 1-3 buildings early buildings. The outpost a Guardian is responsible for can be named and grown. The guardian can grow an outpost in a myriad of ways from spending money on new buildings or hiring specialist NPC’s to completing missions. In time, a Guardian will find their outpost becoming more and more populated, while also providing more and more benefits. Only through an advanced outpost can a Guardian build certain items or meet certain characters. Things that NEED TO CHANGE: [u]A crafting system that makes sense.[/u] 1. Go play Ghost Recon Wildlands. Not a great game I know. But pay close attention to weapon mod system. Now steal that because it is way better than the cluster-f!#$ you have now. 2. Make it so tons and tons of modification items can be BUILT/AQUIRED through outposts (and elsewhere). 3. Make it so mods are not LOST. Allowing you to take a prized modification and apply it to a new gun. 4. Use common sense. The mods now are what exactly? An icon you attach to your gun. No. Stop that. Have a 3D gun model and let me add laser sights, grips, rails, flashlights, electric bullets, whatever. [u]An economy that makes sense! [/u] 1. Why engrams? Why re-invent what already works. I am being serious here. You guys don’t even need to get ‘crafty’. Just look at MMORPG and do that. 2. What does that mean? A Blacksmith can make gun parts. A Gunsmith can put them together. A Technologist makes something else. A Magecraft can make exotic ‘element’ mods. This list could go on for a long time (and SHOULD if you want a deep late game). 3. Obviously, this economy extends to both the outposts and the last city. 4. Last city needs a bazaar for standard fare while more exotic goods must be sought out. 5. Recommended to make Raw Materials a thing (and useful in the economy – more on that in ‘missions’) [u]Missions [/u] 1. Literally NO REASON to play missions other than to grind (right now). 2. Outposts would give weight to more missions 2.1 Blacksmith needs XYZ to unlock cool whatever 2.2 Outpost needs ABC to improve defense 2.3 Outpost has required missions to allow for more growth (going from 10 to 11 NPC residents might mean getting materials for a new generator for example) 3. Raw material economy gives a reason to collect stuff. 3.1 If you want to get crazy, let the Raw Material prices fluctuate, applying pressure on users to seek out certain items/materials 4. Better Mods can generate logical missions. (“The best blacksmith in the Last City wants to create a Legendary Sword for you. To do so he requires the staff from an elusive foe. Go to XXX on the XXX planet, find your foe and kill him. Hint: if you destroy enough of XXX minions, the foe might find you – but be careful; he won’t hunt you alone.”) 5. ETC ETC ETC I could seriously keep going with this for hours but have real work to do. It drives me insane that an excellent game like Destiny 2 feels so “lost”. Like there is just no purpose. If this post receives a positive reception I would be happy to write more. Thank you for reading this far!!! -R

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