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2/9/2018 8:36:23 PM

Thoughts about Destiny, and Ideas!

Warning up front! It might be a long read. This is about the ideas that pop in my head whenever I think of the Destiny game I want to play. Not saying I know it all, but sharing is what has been asked for and different from the negative attitude some of us guardians have been displaying. It is not to be trending, it is meant to be read and have others add there thoughts to the matter. Now there is the feedback, or just some of brain twists on some things that just seem balanced unfairly. Whether it is a super or a grenade, it seems off. Taking the Arcstrider and Arcstriker to start it off. When using the staff and slam it down whoever is airborne escapes the carnage that a smash does. As the last one kills even those in air. Not to mention that the Titan strike also leaves a wake of arc pulses damaging those who walk through. Just the aftermath is what our Hunter is missing. Warlock just have great distance while on Arc. Just this thought makes the hunter look weak. There is only the exotic armour that helps the Arc Hunter to gain time super can be used when they make a kill. Question is whether this is per kill or per strike? In the end it might not matter much as Titans have this on hammer of sol and warlocks on their Dawnblade. I personally liked the blades on my hunter better than the staff. Just to make it faster to close gaps or give a Hunter back his blink. Looking at our void subclasses our hunter is great in PVE but PVP just not having enough damage. A shadow shot should slow an enemy down AND damage over time. After all it is the only subclass with a supporting super that does not kill. When warlocks shattering attack, kills more than one guardian or a Titan with two throws of a shield and a killer shield bash. Our last subclass is Solar. Where again A hunter is left behind with a special that has super damage against bosses in a single shot. Three shots for a kill or six even faster shots that only makes aiming pretty much not done as it would take to much time. Warlocks and Titans have the same attack with throwing flames. With a titan slightly extra molten metal to have an area filled with damage that could also possibly kill. Yet another pulse/aftermath damage. I left the grenades out of the above as it is a different thing all together but also goes about the same principles as above. Titans arcbolt with pulses that kill while a arcbolt by a hunter is just a small shock and done. Surely I get the voidwall or voidspike of a hunter that is there with same slow damage but still do less damage in my opinion. Looking at the grenades in general they are weak. A sticky should kill instantly. Yes, I know we hated those in D1 when we got it attached to our forehead after we killed the one throwing it. It sucked but being the one to throw it was fun. Does that not give a possible option to cancel the grenade, on the death of its thrower just like our supers are being cancelled upon death. Having us respawn with super energy still intact. The mechanics feel the same to me. And melee, our hunter knife mele should maybe get an overtime damage type. We do use a bade. Maybe the touch of a warlock should do the same. Speed wise a hunter feels the slowest though said to be the fastest. A bulky Titan should not be faster. But that is just me finding it a bit unfairly balanced. Moving on to another topic. Masterworks. When we see the masterworks on our armour, I just have a face of disbelieve. Changing the piece of armour when implementing the cores to another stat package is great but one would never do so on their armour that they have now. We just throw cores on armour to test and see if we might get a better roll on a piece of armour we like. Just having random stats when they drop is a better implementation overall. If one would be asking me my opinion. Slightly different but so annoying is the Class Item Mod that cannot be placed anywhere. I mentioned this before in a post but when it isn’t trending it is not seen or addressed. When you think about the class item, you think of the warlock bond or hunter cloak. And yet nonevof these can have that Class Item mod equipped. Now this may have been a design mistake never deleted, when you put them in boxes per class. Why would you not delete the Warlock Bond Mod and just call it a Class item mod. It saves Space, one thing we are short off, and not to mention it makes way more sense in general. There are also the weapon mods that do not stack up fairly. We get more mods for energy and power weapons simply because they are the largest pool of mods. It makes getting mods for your kinetic slot a lot harder and close to frustration. This again is a design flaw in the RNG. It is a two energy slots against one kinetic. My next subject would be the Factions. I think in between rallies we should return the reputation so one is able to change over Factions in order to collect armour and weapons. To have a shot to complete a set or get that one last ornament for that season. During D1 it worked so well. Getting reputation and having a package waiting for you on going a full level. Choice of a weapon or armour, because you did call it a collection game. Altering between faction by wearing a faction related class item and having back the random faction rep rewards on patrols, just to give them more meaning. This said during the rally one is prohibited to change between factions. Just to keep it simple tokens only given during those rallies. Never liked the token system. Talking about keeping people playing and at the same time coming back, the idea is to make crucible and strikes a bit more subtle. For instance take away the DLC choice in crucible and make it so we can choose what kind of match we like to play. I want to choose Clash or Mayhem rather the list of maps. Yes this asks bungie to invest and give maps to the players who only own the base game. Look at it this way. Have people of the base game run around a Curse of Osiris map besides and against players who own the DLC. Seeing new maps, levels and armour might seduce them in buying the DLC themselves. Strikes are no different for that matter and maybe give only one strike of the three per DLC. Have some play beside each other. Having the casual return is just as important for you as it is for us players who watch the player base dwindle with every dlc. We want this game to become great. Not to mention people do not have to be kicked out of clans for not having enough power to do all maps or runs. Sure somethings should be hidden like what is done with the Raid. It is fair but do not make it so that a DLC, creates walls between those who enjoy your game. And no, just being in the social space or the free world is not the same as working together to get that win or strike done. Another reason to do this is to shorten waiting time as more people can play. And having longer lists of maps keeps us from playing a map to many times in a row. Now this is a big read Bungie and asks of you to invest. But I think the latter part of the strikes and crucible will pay off. More people to share the game with.

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