The reaction of most people when hearing about SpaceX's successful rocket launch is generally positive. After all, it is an impressive feat, and it gives hope of a renewed space program, this time guided and funded by private capital.
For me, though, it also raised some concerns. While I'm all for increased space exploration and development, it concerns me that national governments are taking a backseat in such an important area. At what point are things too important to leave to private, profit-guided institutions?
What balance, if any, do you want to see between private and public institutions as humanity moves forward into space?
Elon musk, was bored in traffic so he built a tunnel under LA, he then sold 50K hats to celebrate his tunnel. He got bored with hats and decided to start selling flamethrowers. He then stuck he car(and his wallet) on the most powerful rocket ever and launched them into -blam!-ing space. This man is my idol