originally posted in:Clan Finder
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Clan is dead. Need some new people to raid with on a regular basis. Prefer small clan. 335 on all characters. Know what I'm doing in every position in both raids. Psn awesomerossome33
[PS4] [US] MaZe_153246 This is a clan that runs raids on a weekly basis. We also help other players finish their milestones. We also have players that do Trials of the Nine. We are also a clan that tends to chat a lot among players and get to know each other. We are here to help you guys and gals level up and finally finish the end game while having a good time. We are have experienced players in both types of activities: PVP and PVE. The requirements for being in the clan: -Be Active -Use the BAND app.(this will be the way we will communicate with clan members. It is a free mobile app for all systems) -Have respect for other players in the clan. -Follow the "**" below: **MUST JOIN OUR BAND COMMUNITY.** **WHEN MAKING YOUR BAND ACCOUNT, PLEASE MAKE IT WITH YOUR PSN ID.** **IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE PM ME @ My PSN: Alex_joya41** Link to our BAND community: Open this invite link on your iPhone, Android. https://band.us/n/aaa4v8W3Q0x5G That is all. So if you see us as the ideal clan for you join us and lets kick some guardian butt. The Clan Homepage: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=3010411